Wednesday Parent Newsletter 4.27.2022

Posted in Wednesday Newsletter

In this week’s news, you’ll find Fun Run news and class colors, reminders to keep our school healthy, a middle school invitation to apply to be a student ambassador, how to order class pictures until this Friday, exciting ACS track & field results, PTC news including fundraising efforts and volunteer opportunities, how to be involved and lead this important group into the future, some wonderful community events planned for April and May, a call for help to ensure safety at recess, a reminder about school Mass this Friday, and upcoming calendar events. Thanks for reading!



The Fun Run is only a week away! 

Next Thursday, May 5th, the students of Assumption will run the 38th Annual Ellen Anderson Fun Run! Please encourage them to keep collecting pledges as every little bit helps. Check out this week’s flyer for details. 

If you need volunteer hours by the May 31st deadline, we need help on the day of the run to help make this event go smoothly! 


2022 Fun Run Flyer #4.FINAL



Health reminders 

Many families received COVID exposure notifications this week and last due to several positive cases in our school community. Please remember that sending children to school with even mild cold symptoms can translate into many students having to be tested and missing school until they’re well. If you’re at all unsure of your child’s wellness in the morning before leaving for school, err on the side of caution and keep him/her home. Thank you for your partnership to keep our students, teachers and staff healthy and able to attend school in person. 



Look for May calendar next week 

Mrs. Dennis was out sick and we were unable to get a paper calendar finished in time to send home today. We’ll provide copies next Wednesday, May 4th. In the meantime, the online version on the school website is up-to-date for your reference.



Class photo orders 

Lifetouch will accept class photo orders until Friday morning at 8 am. Send your payment with order form/envelope or order online: Our school code is EVTBZTZVD.   



Student Ambassadors for 2022-2023 

Applications for Student Ambassadors are still being accepted for students in grades 5-7 (grades 6-8 for the 2022-23 school year.) Applications are due this Thursday, April 28th. Interviews will be held on Monday, May 2nd during lunch. If you lost your application form, a copy can be printed here





Assumption at Lummi 

A big shout out and thanks to our parent and teacher volunteers for last Thursday’s meet– 

Anna Whelan, Pete Lockhart, Nikki Lockhart, Connie Faria, Brian Faria, Lynette Machinski, Luciana Powell, Richard Balogh, and Eric Bachmeier. 

A special thanks to Ms. Demry who was willing and able, but ultimately not needed.  Her support was appreciated. 

To everyone else who was there, and volunteered to help, thank you as well. 

Another big thanks to Coach Rush, who stepped up to lead the timers and organize the finish. 

It was a very long afternoon!  Without our volunteers, meets like this cannot happen. 

Assumption at Nooksack 

With threatening skies, Assumption took to the track and field again on Monday. 

Standouts–Maddox Aquino, 100 (3), 200(1), 400(1); Taylor Rush, 1600 (2); Baynes Machinski, 1600 (3); Cameron Faria, Shotput (2); Ngansi Atem, 400 (3); 4×100 Relay (3)–Molly Newbold, Amelia Balogh, Helen Eberhardt, Stella Wolf

Other results found on 



Family Promise Bed Race on Sunday, June 26th from 2 pm to 4 pm 

The Interfaith Coalition and Family Promise have moved their Annual Bed Race (typically in September) to June this year. This is a great way to raise money for those experiencing homelessness in Whatcom County while having a bit of fun with your closest friends. We would love to have a team represented by Assumption Catholic School. There is a frame and bed available, so we just need a group to assemble it by the Memorial Day Parade on May 28th and then use it for the race on June 26th. For more information about the race or to register your team, visit

Family Promise of Whatcom County is starting its 5th year of serving the needs of this community to assist children and their families experiencing homelessness through meals, temporary housing and education with a goal to re-establish their independence. To date nearly 100 families have had a fresh start through Family Promise and the Interfaith Coalition. If you choose not to race, you can also sponsor the Family Promise Bed Race at



Staffing updates 

We’re close to making a final decision for the fifth-grade teacher. Stay tuned for an announcement next week once this has been finalized. Interviews are still happening for the other vacant positions. 



PTC News 

Volunteer Coordinator role is a stipend position for 2022-2023 

One of the roles in the PTC has been the Volunteer Coordinator. We decided last year that with the amount of work and the need for consistency in this role, there will be a stipend to do this work going forward. Jessica Sidhu has done an excellent job of managing the past two years, and we are looking for someone new to fill this role. It is associated with the PTC, but a $2,000 stipend per year is paid by the school. The job description for this position is listed below. Please reach out to Lynette Machinski or Dan Anderson if you are interested in being considered for this position. We are asking for a three-year commitment. 

  • Expected hours per month: 4-5 hours 
  • Stipend paid in December in April: Two $1,000 payments 
  • Roles and responsibilities: 
  • Attend monthly PTC Executive Board meetings 
  • Participate in/coordinate the Back-to-School volunteer sign-ups on the first day of school 
  • Keep the volunteer page of the website current; includes creation of online sign-ups. 
  • Assisting families learning to use the volunteer portal- possibly a tutorial at orientation.  
  • Attending events as extra help if they don’t get enough volunteers (Spaghetti Dinner, Auction, Fun Run, Playground Angels) as your schedule permits. 
  • Being accessible to and patient with families. Respond to parent emails quickly and professionally. 
  • Manage hours for parents and ensure correspondence about tracking hours throughout the year 
  • Coordinate with the office for text message reminders to families 
  • Work with Room Parent Coordinator to make sure all classroom roles are filled 

Interested in helping to make PTC events possible?  We are looking for a PTC Vice President for 2022-23!  This important role make it possible to FUNdraise for our school and keep our community strong!  Please contact with questions. 


A big THANK YOU to Meryluz Torres-Duque and her team for a great Multi Cultural evening last Friday!  A special thanks to Marta Herrera, Charlene Paz and Elizabeth Posas-Miller for your help setting up for the event and to all families who brought food and participated in the tasting!   


Our PTC General Meeting is TONIGHT at 7 pm in the gym! Assumption alumnus Connor McGreevy from Litzia (the company that provides IT support for ACS) will give a presentation on online safety and security for kids and teens.  We will also discuss parent strategies and tips in smaller, age based groups.  Free Dress for students is offered on April 28th for all families with at least one parent/guardian in attendance!  There will also be a door prize for those who attend!  Childcare will be provided in the library.  If you need childcare, please register ahead of time: 




Assumption Catholic School Family Night at the Sportsplex is this Saturday April 30th, 4:30-6:30! Admission is free and both the ice rink and the soccer fields will be available for our school families only!  Concessions and skate rentals will be available for purchase.  All children must be supervised by a parent or other responsible adult, please. 


Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6th!  The PTC is organizing something special on Tuesday, May 3rd. Look for information to come from your Room Parent(s)!  



We are very close to our exciting Missoula Children’s Theater week: May 16-21st! Children of all grade levels are encouraged to participate. The wonderful directors from MCT will help our students audition, rehearse and perform Johnny Appleseed- all in one week! Check your envelope today for more information. 



Still need volunteer hours? 

The deadline to earn volunteer hours for this school year is May 31. Come earn a few while enjoying the Spring weather! Playground Angels help keep our students safe at recess and we cannot offer it without them. Thank you in advance for your help! 

APRIL sign up 

MAY sign up 


School Mass 

This Friday, April 29th, Mrs. Martin-Zender’s third-grade class will be leading the all-school Mass. Pre-K students will be joining us at Mass. The school choir is returning for the first time in two years! Parents are welcome to join and all students should wear dress uniforms. We ask that visitors sit in the north transept instead of with the students. Masks are now optional in the church. 



Upcoming calendar items: 

April 27th– General PTC Meeting at 7 pm in the gym. Connor McGreevy from Litzia will be here to discuss parental controls and Internet safety. Childcare will be provided in the library. (Please pre-register here if you will need childcare.) 

April 29th– NO KINDERGARTEN CLASS today so that Mrs. Whelan can do Kindergarten assessments for the 2022-2023 school year. 

April 30th– “Family Night at the Sportsplex” social for ACS families, 4:30-6:30 pm 

May 5th Space Race Fun Run! 

May 16th-21stMissoula Children’s Theater after school; performances on Saturday 

May 18th Early Release @ 11:45 

May 27th– Volunteer Appreciation and Volunteer of the Year Award announced. Join us for a reception hosted by the teachers and staff from 11:30 to 1 pm in the gym. 

May 30th– NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day