8th Grade Classes and Teachers


Eighth grade is an exciting year for students. They spend much of their time preparing academically, emotionally, and spiritually for high school. Each student learns how to become a servant leader during this important year. Below you can find a brief overview of what the kids will be learning in each subject this year.

Homework Link

Religion Chris Eusebio ceusebio@Assumption.School
Social Studies Chris Eusebio ceusebio@Assumption.School
Language Arts Chris Eusebio ceusebio@Assumption.School
Literature Chris Eusebio ceusebio@Assumption.School
ScienceSupports Link Samantha Ernest SErnest@Assumption.School
AlgebraSupports Link Jill VonFeldt jvonfeldt@Assumption.School
8th Grade MathSupports Link Karen Evans KarenE@Assumption.School
Art K-8 Carolina Santos csantos@Assumption.School
Music K-8 Liza Varon lizavaron@assumption.school
P.E. K-8 Kristi Eager keager@assumption.school
Spanish 4-8 Anna Wittmershaus awittmershaus@assumption.school