Eighth grade is an exciting year for students. They spend much of their time preparing academically, emotionally, and spiritually for high school. Each student learns how to become a servant leader during this important year. Below you can find a brief overview of what the kids will be learning in each subject this year.
Religion | Chris Eusebio | ceusebio@Assumption.School |
Social Studies | Chris Eusebio | ceusebio@Assumption.School |
Language Arts | Chris Eusebio | ceusebio@Assumption.School |
Literature | Chris Eusebio | ceusebio@Assumption.School |
ScienceSupports Link | Samantha Ernest | SErnest@Assumption.School |
AlgebraSupports Link | Jill VonFeldt | jvonfeldt@Assumption.School |
8th Grade MathSupports Link | Karen Evans | KarenE@Assumption.School |
Art K-8 | Carolina Santos | csantos@Assumption.School |
Music K-8 | Liza Varon | lizavaron@assumption.school |
P.E. K-8 | Kristi Eager | keager@assumption.school |
Spanish 4-8 | Anna Wittmershaus | awittmershaus@assumption.school |