Wednesday Parent Newsletter 2.16.2022

Posted in Wednesday Newsletter

In this week’s news, you’ll find an invitation to join our quickly-approaching silent auction, PTC news including gratitude for fundraising efforts and info for forthcoming opportunities, a fun recap of Sunday’s open house, an invitation to take advantage of discounts when your family re-enrolls by March 1st, an updated version of health protocols, a chance to come claim your child’s lost items, a posting for a coach to help us offer track this Spring, volunteers needed for the remaining few weeks of our volleyball season, a reminder to return your report card envelopes, a call for Playground Angels for the next few weeks, this week’s School Mass schedule, and upcoming calendar items. Thanks for reading!




PTC News 

Have you been to the Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala website yet?  

Check it out and register now for the Hybrid Silent Auction. If you can’t attend in person, EVERYONE can participate from the comfort of their home starting Saturday, February 19th at 5:00 pm!  Please share the link with out of town family and friends!   

We are still looking for some helping hands the day of the event.  This is a great opportunity for fundraising hours! 


Another huge THANK YOU to the team who put together our BBQ take and bake meal last week!  Over 125 meals were prepared for families to enjoy (final profit TBA)! That’s a lot of pork!  Thank you volunteers and Chef Rob!  

Mark your calendar! March 4th will be our mid-year Used Uniform Sale.  Bring your clean, gently used uniform items to the office over the next few weeks so that they can be up-cycled!  Get some volunteer hours helping to prepare for the sale!  See the Sign Up Genius on the school volunteer website 



Also coming soon, just in time for Lent we will have our popular Salmon Sale!  Alumni parent Michael Jackson is offering us his best Bristol Bay Salmon and $1 per pound sold will go to the school!  Keep your eyes out for an order form next week! 



Open House 

Why is Assumption Catholic School (ACS) considered the best independent school? Because the students take ownership of their learning. Maybe you didn’t get to the Open House this past Sunday, February 13th. But you can see it all here with a recorded Facebook stream.  

The lights-out, on-air talent was Alden, and the camerawoman (Daliah) was on point, too. They GOT the school inside-and-out. These two ROCKED IT! 



Re-enrollment Information for 2022-2023 

Priority re-enrollment for current families is now available through February 28th! We are once again blessed with many interested families for 2022-23, so as of March 1 available space by class will be evaluated and new student assessments will begin. We hope you’ll take advantage of the discount for enrolling early! Registration fee is $275, increasing to $325 on March 1. Please contact the office if you need any assistance with the new online process or have questions. 

If you missed last week’s State of the School meeting, Mr. Anderson’s slide presentation is available here: 



Health Protocol updates 

We expect Governor Inslee to provide an update to state-wide guidance for COVID protocols this Thursday, but until then, we have made a few changes to masks outdoors and in preschool. Please see the updated guidance linked here and notice the items in red as things that have changed since the last revision. 



Report Cards  

If you haven’t already done so, please sign and return just the envelope containing your child’s report card sent home last week to confirm receipt/review. We want to reduce waste and plan to reuse them for the second semester. Thank you! 



It’s time to clear out the hooks and bin! We have many sweatshirts, coats, and all sorts of miscellaneous items that have accumulated to the point of overflowing. All Lost & Found items will be on display outside the main school entrance tomorrow, Thursday, February 17th, during pick up (2:45-3:15). Alternatively, have your child come look through the items by the end of the week. Items unclaimed by Friday will be donated to the Used Uniform inventory or Hope House.   

In future, you can help reduce the number of unclaimed items by labeling your child’s things with their name.  Items that are labeled are returned to the appropriate classroom. Thank you! 



Seeking a Track Coach 

Assumption Catholic School is seeking a track and field coach for the 2021-22 school year. This stipend position starts at $500. However, school parents may waive the stipend to earn parent volunteer hours instead. Coaches must be at least 18 years old and have the flexibility to work afternoons from 3:15 to 4:30 pm. Practices are held Monday through Friday, and meets are also held during the week. The season runs for approximately nine weeks beginning on March 21. Please email our athletic director, Ryan Mills at if you are interested in learning more and submitting an application. 



Volleyball volunteers 

Calling all volunteers! Fun and easy opportunities are available with the Girls’ Volleyball team to earn school volunteer hours! We need line judges and scorekeepers for the remaining four home games this season. These are easy and fun ways to support the school and team. No experience necessary, and no knowledge of the game needed. We will show you what to do. Check out the signup genius below for dates and times and claim your spot today! 



Playground Angels 

WE ARE IN GREAT NEED OF VOLUNTEERS THIS MONTH! Please consider signing up for a recess shift or two. Angels help keep our students safe on the playground, which we are so grateful for and cannot offer recess without. Thank you in advance for your help! 

FEBRUARY sign up 

MARCH sign up 



School Mass this Friday  

This Friday, February 18th, our Kindergarten will be leading the all-school Mass. Parents are welcome to join and all students should wear dress uniforms. We ask that visitors sit in the north transept instead of with the students. Masks are required of everyone, regardless of vaccination status.  



Upcoming calendar items:

February 21st– NO SCHOOL, Presidents Day 

February 26th Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala! 

February 28th Pizza Lunch 

March 1st– “Read Across America” Day with special activities from 12:30 to 3 pm; Re-enrollment fee goes up to $325 (save $50 by completing by Feb 28!) 

March 2nd– Ash Wednesday school liturgy starting at 12:30 pm. (Kindergarten, first, sixth, seventh, and eighth will be in the gym and the 2nd-5th grade students will be in the church. This allows for the community to join us in both locations.)