In this week’s news you’ll find a letter from Mr. Anderson with updated information on mask and vaccine mandates, the latest auction news and how you can participate and offer support, re-enrollment reminders for 2022-23, a celebration of our middle schoolers on the honor roll, February pizza day pushed out a week, the arrival of our annual Kids Heart Challenge, staffing updates for next school year, PTC news including two fundraising efforts you won’t want to miss, an invitation to Mass before school during Lent, huge gratitude for our track coaches and when that season will begin, a need for volleyball volunteers and Playground Angels as Spring approaches, and upcoming calendar items. Thanks for reading!
Health & Safety
Please see the linked letter from Mr. Anderson regarding mask mandates and vaccine requirements for children.
The auction co-chairs are very excited that our Growing Great Kids Hybrid Auction is underway. Visit the auction website at where you can…
- Browse the silent auction catalog. Remember to “bid high and bid often” in support of our GREAT KIDS!
- Support “Fund the Need” for our much-needed gym roof. We’ve already received one very generous $5,000 donation towards this effort. The goal is $35,000!
- Find “Items for Sale” which allow you to purchase raffle tickets for an amazing outdoor movie package, as well as homemade dressings and Assumption’s own custom Glassybaby!
Re-enrollment Information for 2022-2023
Monday, February 28th is the last day to re-enroll with the discounted $275 fee (goes up to $325 on Tuesday, March 1st). Please don’t wait until then to create an account and start the process! As SchoolAdmin is a brand new system for us, you can expect a learning curve. Additionally, some forms that would have previously come home as paper in the “summer packet” are now required digitally to re-enroll. It will save us all time later but does add to the effort to secure your child’s spot for next year. Be sure to use the links provided in the email from “Assumption Catholic School Admissions” on February 10; they are specific to your child(ren).
We are once again blessed with many interested families for 2022-23, so as of March 1 available space by class will be evaluated and new student assessments will begin. Please contact the office if you need any assistance with the new online process or have questions. We are happy to help!
Honor Roll
Congratulations to our middle school students achieving Honor Roll for the first semester! We honored these students at our school Mass on Friday. Please see the complete listing and be sure to give them a pat on the back if you have a chance.
Feb 28th Pizza Lunch rescheduled
Next Monday’s pizza lunch will be postponed until Monday, March 7. The original March lunch is on the 28th, so there will be two opportunities for pizza in March. Please look for an order form to come home in the Wednesday envelope next week.
Get ready! Kids Heart Challenge is kicking off on Monday, March 7th! We’re excited to learn about heart health and emotional well-being while having FUN and SAVING LIVES. Sign up today so you don’t miss out!
Staff updates for 2022-2023
A letter went home to families last week regarding some changes in staffing for the 2022-2023 school year. In addition to openings that were announced for fourth grade, fifth grade, part-time preschool, and development, Mrs. Shelly Kushner will also be retiring from second grade at the end of this school year. Please look for additional announcements here for any other openings, and we will also announce when positions have been filled in the Wednesday Newsletter.
PTC News
Our BBQ Pork dinner raised a profit of $2172.47 for the PTC! Thank you to all who participated. We will have one last Take and Bake meal in May!
Mark your calendar! March 4th will be our mid-year Used Uniform Sale. Bring your clean, gently used uniform items to the office over the next few weeks so that they can be up-cycled! Get some volunteer hours helping to prepare for the sale! See the Sign Up Genius on the school volunteer website
Back by popular demand, the PTC is providing an opportunity to purchase the most delicious salmon just in time for Lent! Local fisherman and alumni parent, Michael Jackson is accepting orders for wild-caught, conveniently packaged Bristol Bay Sockeye, ready for pick-up on March 10th. Please see the order form in your physical envelope. $1 per pound sold goes back to the school!
Lenten Practice Idea from Fr. Moore
For Lent, would you be willing to go to bed and wake up 45 minutes earlier one day a week? That is all that is required to attend daily Mass. The Wednesday and Thursday 7:15 a.m. daily Masses at Assumption are specifically scheduled so that students will be in line for school between 7:45 and 7:55. If you have ever wanted to try to attend daily Mass once a week, Lent is an excellent time to start.
We Have Track Coaches!
Track & Field begins on Monday, March 21st. Thank you to Mr. Costanza for agreeing to coach again this year with the help of Mrs. Sara Rush. We are so grateful for their willingness and the ability to provide this great opportunity for our students. The season runs for approximately nine weeks. Look in next week’s envelope for registration packets for all sixth through eighth graders. These will be due by mid-March. We look forward to a wonderful season!
Volleyball volunteers
Calling all volunteers! Fun and easy opportunities are available with the Girls’ Volleyball team to earn school volunteer hours! We need line judges and scorekeepers for the remaining four home games this season. These are easy and fun ways to support the school and team. No experience necessary, and no knowledge of the game needed. We will show you what to do. Check out the signup genius below for dates and times and claim your spot today!
Playground Angels
WE HAVE A GREAT NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS! We know it’s cold, but Spring is waiting around the corner. In the meantime, our students need the outlet of playing outside each day! Angels help keep our students safe on the playground, which we are so grateful for and cannot offer recess without. Thank you in advance for your help!
School Mass this Friday
This Friday, February 25th, our eighth grade will be leading the all-school Mass. Parents are welcome to join and all students should wear dress uniforms. We ask that visitors sit in the north transept instead of with the students. Masks are required of everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
Upcoming calendar items:
February 26th– Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala, 5 pm
March 1st– “Read Across America” Day with special activities from 12:30 to 3 pm; Re-enrollment fee goes up to $325 (save $50 by completing by Feb 28!)
March 2nd– Ash Wednesday school liturgy starting at 12:30 pm. (Kindergarten, first, sixth, seventh, and eighth will be in the gym and the 2nd-5th grade students will be in the church. This allows for the community to join us in both locations.)
March 7th– Pizza Lunch (rescheduled from February 28th!)
March 11th– NO SCHOOL, Regional Curriculum Day