Wednesday Parent Newsletter 10.6.2021

Posted in Wednesday Newsletter


In this week’s news, you’ll find information on our participation in the Learn to Return program, great news about ways to be part of Holy Hoops, reminders for safe school drop off and pick up, how to help revive the ACS Chess Club, this week’s school Mass schedule, a call for help to provide tricks and treats for the children of our Assumption community, PTC news including a link to order yearbooks at a discount, various volunteer opportunities, and upcoming calendar events. Thanks for reading!



Learn to Return program at Assumption 

We have been approved by the Archdiocese to participate in the “Learn to Return” program run by the Health Commons Project and the WA Department of Health to help keep children in school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The office staff is ramping up to begin this as soon as possible and the goal is to make it more convenient to test students who are symptomatic. It will also allow us to shorten the travel quarantine by screening students on campus, and it allows us to screen for athletics making it easier to have a basketball season for middle school. Please review our revised/updated “Reopening Health Protocols” by scrolling down to the updates highlighted in green.


Faith – Love – Basketball   



Holy Hoops is only a few weeks away and we still need a few more students to turn in their registration forms! We understand students may have other obligations during this time. We are willing to work within the confines of their schedule. Please let us know if you would like to participate but are concerned about scheduling conflicts-we want every 5th through 8th graders to have the possibility to play.The Holy Hoops Committee will be creating teams tonight (Wednesday). If you were unable to get your form in and your child wants to participate, please email Mrs. Lisa Twining ( as soon as you are able.  

Participation registration 

BONUS: All participants will be excused for a few days from homework during the week of tournament!  

Holy Hoops will run from October 19th – 22nd and students will only be expected to be present for their games held between the hours of 3-6 each day of the tournament.  

We will have an all-participant meeting Thursday (TOMORROW) October 7th. All students who have signed up will need to meet in the gym at 12:00 (during recess). During the meeting, participants will be assigned to their teams and discuss team names (which are the names of Saints- please come ready with ideas about which Saint you would like your team to represent.) Tournament Director will also be present to help answer any questions.  

We need alumni to coach! We are seeking ACS alumni to coach the teams. This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the school and get those service hours that all colleges love to see on their applications! If you have an older child that would like to help, please complete the coaches form by September 15th. Most of our coaches from the last two years have moved on to college so we

need lots of coaches. The music room will be set up for the coaches to study and we provide meals for them every day.  

Alumni Coach form

Parent Volunteers – WE NEED YOU! Please visit the signup genius link (link below) to volunteer. We need parents to help run the score clock, keep score, referee and help with coach’s meals. You will find more details for each position on the website.  

Sponsorship Opportunities! To keep this a free tournament for the students, we are looking for sponsors to cover the cost of t-shirts, food and support for the coaches and prizes for the winning teams and individual skills competition. Please see the link below for more information. Please review and share with your place of employment, friends, family or you can sponsor as a family. 

Sponsorship form



Pick up and Drop off reminders

In the morning, please pull all the way up by the cross before dropping off. Signs will be coming soon to help guide you: “Please pull forward” and “Exit between the signs”. The teacher on duty will be there to remind your children to stay in cars until they have pulled forward (about five cars can be unloading at the same time). 

At pick up in the afternoon, please don’t arrive before 3:00 as it jams Virginia and Ellis streets and frustrates our neighbors. Be sure to enter our lot from the Virginia St side and exit on Kentucky. If your child isn’t out at their sign yet, you’ll be asked to pull through the loop and circle around. Thank you for helping traffic flow smoothly and safely! 



Playground Angels 

We have an ongoing need to keep these safety positions filled. Thank you for your help in keeping recess fun and safe! 

OCTOBER sign up 


Seeking a Chess Club Chairperson 

After last year’s brief hiatus, Coach Peter Witecki, who has led our ACS Chess Club for an incredible 25 years, has offered to bring the game back to Assumption students! Before we can figure out details, we need a volunteer in place to chair the club and coordinate practices, etc. If you’re interested in this position, please contact Mrs. King for more information re: the duties entailed: 



School Mass this Friday 

This Friday, October 8th, grades 2-5 will go to the church for Mass with our Fifth Graders leading. Parents are welcome to attend the weeks that their children are attending, and community members are also welcome to Friday School Masses. We ask that visitors sit in the north and south transepts instead of with the students. Masks are required of everyone, regardless of vaccination status.  



Trunk or Treat- Save the Date! 

Assumption Family Ministry needs YOU on Saturday, October 30th (event begins at about 6:15; after the 5 pm Mass)!  Our parish and school communities are filled with children in need of a safe way to have Halloween fun and collect some well-deserved treats!   

We are coordinating a COVID-conscious Trunk or Treat this year and are looking for families willing to open their trunks and pass out candy (decorated tables are also an option)! Masks will be worn by all participants and volunteers will be in place to ensure everyone follows health protocols.    

If you can commit to passing out candy at this event, please follow the link to sign up: 

We’ll advertise the event to families when all details have been finalized (and we have enough treat givers!). Thank you in advance for helping us make this idea a reality for the children of our Assumption community!    



PTC News 

Yearbooks!The deadline to purchase a yearbook at the “early-bird” price has been extended to October 17th! Cost is $28 and will go up after that date.  Follow the link and order online this year with our school code: 189029. 


We are continuously looking for Playground Angels and SCRIP sellers.  Please check the school website for sign ups!  Current Volunteer Opportunities – Assumption Catholic School

New Families and Kindergarten Families-  We hope you enjoyed your “Welcome to Assumption” yard sign! If you are finished with it, please return your sign to the school office.  We reuse these signs each year!


Upcoming calendar items:

October 8th– School Mass (Grades 2-5) 

October 15th NO SCHOOL, Staff Retreat 

October 19th to 22nd– Holy Hoops 4-on-4 Tournament for Grades 5-8 this week 

October 20th Early Release @ 11:45 am 

October 26th– Picture retakes 

October 28th- Orange & Black Day