In this week’s news, you’ll find the most current auction information, PTC news, an upcoming Protecting God’s Children class, a date for our exciting Variety Show, a volunteer opportunity that supports ACS athletics, an Annual Fund update, how our school is supporting members of our community impacted by flooding, a last call for tuition assistance applications, Playground Angel needs for the next few weeks, this Friday’s School Mass schedule, and upcoming calendar items. Thanks for reading!
Just a reminder that procurement of items and sponsorships for our auction continues. All items and sponsorships are due by January 22. The auction chairs are specifically looking for donations to restaurants in the Seattle area as well as gift cards to hotels if you are looking for ideas to contribute!! Ways you can fulfill your obligation are:
- Scrip donation of $200. You will be given a 10% credit to your scrip obligation. These donations can be used to build amazing auction packages while you earn money toward your obligation!
- Cash donation of $200.
- Donation of item or service worth $200.
- Sponsorship of $200.
It takes many hands and talents to make all the planning come together for this incredibly important event! Below is a link to sign up for auction volunteer opportunities that all count toward fundraising volunteer hours. We hope you’ll join the team to help make it a wild success! Please note that the clean up crew will earn 2 volunteer hours for every 1 hour worked! If you already signed up for a volunteer role on the first day of school, you do not need to sign up again.
If you’re looking for ways to earn volunteer hours from home… here is your opportunity! We need wine to serve at the auction. In fact, we need A LOT of wine! You can earn one hour of fundraising volunteer time for each bottle of donated wine valued at $15 or greater. Each family is limited to donating 12 bottles of wine at this time. Please provide a copy of your receipt when you drop off the wine at the office.
PTC News
Mark your calendar for our next PTC General Meeting! Wednesday, Jan 26th we will meet at 7:00 pm in the gym to discuss tech safety and education for parents! This session will be led by Litzia, the company that is now providing tech support for our school. Limited childcare will be available, but we will offer a streaming option via Zoom or Facebook live for those who can’t attend in person. Keep an eye out for details in the coming weeks.
“Protecting God’s Children” class is offered this Saturday, January 8th at Assumption
For parents who are chaperoning the middle school ski/snowboard program starting next Tuesday, all chaperones need to have participated in the mandatory “Protecting God’s Children” three-hour class. We are grateful to have Chris Attebery offering a last-minute class for our families this Saturday, January 8th from 9 am to 12 pm in the teacher workroom at Assumption. You have to pre-register for the class by this Friday. ALL PARENTS WHO WANT TO VOLUNTEER on campus need to have participated in this class and many times the only opportunities are far south in Seattle. Anyone can take advantage of this opportunity and spaces should be available. To register, visit and register under “First Time Registrant” and then follow the link for “Current Training,” and “Register for a training.”
Volunteer Opportunity
WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS to referee or do the scorebook. Calling all Assumption parents! The boys’ basketball season is here with our first home game happening this week. We’ve had enough boys sign up this year to field two teams which is very exciting. That said, we need help from our generous parents. There is a shortage of referees this year so if any of you have basketball experience with coaching, playing, or as a referee we are looking for help. We are also looking for volunteers to help run the electronic scoreboard and keep stats in the paper scoresheet. Below is a SignUpGenius link.
Development News
We have such a generous community of supporters and are wowed by the year-end giving that has rolled in over the last few weeks for our Growing with Grace Annual Fund. We are getting so close to our goal! If you haven’t contributed yet and would like to help push us onto the finish line and boost our school family participation, please consider an amount that is right for you. We also would like to give a big shout out to the second grade class! They raised $154.50 with their nativity play, performed next to Barkley Village Haggen’s on Friday, December 17th. The students gave Mr. Anderson the envelope with the proceeds and said it was for the Annual Fund tree. Thank you second graders!
Tuition Assistance for 2022-2023 DUE THIS FRIDAY
The portal is now open in FACTS for those wanting to apply for tuition assistance in the 2022-2023 school year. Applications must be completed by January 7, 2022 to receive Fulcrum Foundation assistance. If you think you might qualify for Fulcrum assistance, please complete the application by January 7th. This is a hard deadline, so please complete it by Friday. To learn more, you can visit their FAQ page on the Fulcrum website HERE.
Variety Show on Friday, February 4th
We have coordinators for the Variety Show! Please see the hard copy form in this week’s Wednesday Envelope and return them by Monday, January 10th. There will be a dress rehearsal in the afternoon of February 4th for the whole school and an evening performance starting at 7 pm.
Whatcom County Flood Relief
The planned work party is cancelled for now, but we are still collecting books for Sumas Elementary School.
Please open the shared document and decide which book(s) to purchase. You can have them shipped directly to Assumption Catholic School, but please put a gift message that this is for Sumas Elementary teachers. Or you can purchase the books and deliver them to the school. If you’d like to make a donation, instead, please make the check payable to Assumption Catholic School and put “Sumas Book List” in the memo. Once you have purchased the book, please delete it from this list so that someone else doesn’t buy it. Thank you!
Care & Concern Ministry
A meal train has been set up to support the Smith Family: Emma, Jason, Micah [8th], Arianna, Isabella [3rd], and Benjamin [PreK]) as Emma transitions into bedrest, awaiting the arrival of Baby Liam at the end of January. Your gift of a meal will be greatly appreciated!
Playground Angels
Welcome back to recess! Angels help keep our students safe on the playground, which we are so grateful for. Thank you in advance for your help!
School Mass this Friday
This Friday, January 7th, the 2nd-5th grades will go to the church or gym for Mass with our fourth grade leading. Parents and community members are welcome to attend. We ask that visitors sit in the north and south transepts instead of with the students. Masks are required of everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
Upcoming calendar items (a January school calendar will be emailed shortly, but the website version is current)
January 7th– Tuition assistance applications due in FACTS for the 2022-2023 school year
January 11th, 18th, 24th– Middle school winter sports
January 17th– NO SCHOOL, MLK Jr. Day
January 24th– MAP Testing begins (grades 2-8)
January 26th– PTC General Meeting. Childcare provided starting at 7 pm.
January 28th– Last day of the semester, Early Release with 11:45 am dismissal
February 4th– Variety Show includes a 1:30 pm dress rehearsal and a 7 pm evening performance