Wednesday Parent Newsletter 11.23.2021

Posted in Wednesday Newsletter

In this week’s news, you’ll find joyous musical Thanksgiving wishes, reminders about the remainder of the week, plans to share our annual Christmas Program, wishes for the upcoming Advent season, an update on our Growing with Grace Annual Fund and ways to help, the tuition assistance application deadline for 2022-23, parent volunteer needs to ensure school safety, participating in our annual Parent Satisfaction Survey, winter sports opportunities for middle schoolers, COVID vaccine resources, news from our Care & Concern Ministry, PTC news including ways we plan to honor Grandparents, many volunteer opportunities, an invitation to our Christmas Bazaar, and upcoming calendar events. Thanks for reading! 


Happy Thanksgiving from the Assumption School Choir 

Dr. Mabalot recorded the fifth and sixth-grade choir in preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy the sounds of students with the beautiful backdrop of the Church of the Assumption. ‘Tis the Gift | Simple Gifts | Assumption School Choir 


Thanksgiving Break 

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, November 24th, is an Early Release Day at 11:45. Students earned Free Dress by gathering a wonderful collection of food for the Hope House, delivered via our human food chain on Monday. Thank you again for your efforts to provide for those in need.   

Just a reminder there will be no EDP so our staff may also begin to enjoy their holiday break.  We’ll see you back at school on Monday, November 29th! 


The 22nd annual Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala is our festive fundraiser that will be held on Saturday, February 26, 2022.  If you or someone you know owns a business and would like to sponsor this amazing event, now is the time!  These donations are tax deductible and will count towards your family obligation to the auction.  Look for the flyer containing available sponsorship levels and a sponsorship form in this week’s Wednesday Envelope.  If you have any questions please reach out to Katherine Deets, sponsorship lead, at  

Save the date!  Look for three save the date postcards in this week’s Wednesday Envelope… one for you and two to share with friends and family.  Put them on your fridge or bulletin board and help spread the word! 



This Sunday, November 28th, marks the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year. The color of the season (purple) denotes penance. Traditionally Advent includes some form of fasting and increased prayer in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s birth at Christmas. 

Consider adding this beautiful daily prayer during Advent:  

St. Andrew Christmas Novena

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment  
in which the Son of God was born  
Of the most, pure Virgin Mary,  
at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold.  
In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee,  
O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires  
through the merits of Our Savior  
Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother.  


Christmas Program scheduled for December 16th 

We knew this year that we wouldn’t be able to fit all parents and guests in the church at once for the Christmas Program on the evening of Thursday, December 16th. The plan had been to do two performances- one in the afternoon and one in the evening so that they could be done in person. However, when working through the logistics, it became very complicated and created a lot of additional coordination. We decided, instead, that we can do a better performance and allow singing if it if we recorded the program instead. Therefore, the students will begin recording on Friday, December 10th at 12:30 pm and if another day is needed, they will record again on Wednesday, December 15th. Children will be invited to bring their “Christmas outfits” and change for the recording if they choose. More details will follow, but for now please expect that there will be one recorded program with performances by the orchestra, choir, and songs for each grade from K-7. Eighth grade will be writing the play and performing that part of it. The recording will be available by the week of December 20th to share with family and friends through our Vimeo channel. 


Parent Satisfaction Survey 2021 

It’s that time of year when we ask families to provide feedback to the school staff regarding their experience at Assumption. This is important feedback and we use it to modify or adjust our long-term planning and to make short-term changes as needed. We typically receive 60-65 responses from the school community which is about half of our families. Please help us reach a goal of a 70% return this year by filling out the survey no later than Friday, December 17th. Thank you for your help. The survey results will be collated and summarized for families in mid-January.  


Growing with Grace Annual Fund 

Wow -we are over half way to our goal!  What an amazing community of supporters we have. Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we head into a week of Thanksgiving. Please remember that we are just as grateful for $5 as $500. Coming together with a shared commitment is our goal. No amount is too small. 



Sixth through Eighth Grade Winter Sports

If you are a sixth, seventh, or eighth grade parent, please see the attached letter and fill out the Microsoft form by Monday, November 29th so we know how many students may want to participate in our January ski/snowboard/skate program this year.  


Tuition Assistance for 2022-2023 

The portal is now open in FACTS for those wanting to apply for tuition assistance in the 2022-2023 school year. Applications must be completed by January 7, 2022 to receive Fulcrum Foundation assistance, but Assumption will be accepting applications past that date. If you think you might qualify for Fulcrum assistance, please complete the application by January 7. To learn more, you can visit their FAQ page on the Fulcrum website HERE


COVID Vaccine Resource 

The Whatcom County Health Department has issued a press release and they have created a section of their website to include resources for families who are interested in vaccinating children ages 5-11. If you’d like to find where the vaccines are being offered or you have questions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, you can visit the following webpage Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines to learn more. You can make appointments at various pharmacies and locations around Bellingham by visiting 


Care & Concern Ministry

A meal train has been set up to support the Smith Family: Emma, Jason, Micah [8th], Arianna, Isabella [3rd], and Benjamin [PreK]) as Emma transitions into bedrest, awaiting the arrival of Baby Liam at the end of January. Your gift of a meal will be greatly appreciated! 


Photography on display at Allied Arts 

Mrs. Evans has helped her seventh and eighth-grade students to curate their photographs to be on display for the Holiday Festival of the Arts which can be found at Allied Arts (1411 Railroad Avenue in Bellingham) from November 19 through December 24. Allied Arts is open seven days per week 10 am to 7 pm. 


Rite of Christian Burial- Trisha Lewis 

Fr. Scott Connolly would like Assumption School families to know that he will be celebrating the Mass of Christian Burial for Trisha Lewis on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 10:30am. Trisha Lewis was an alumni parent, the last of her four children graduating from Assumption in June 2020. Mrs. Lewis died from cancer in the spring of 2020, and the family is inviting all those who knew her to remember her at the Church of the Assumption on this day during Christmas break. Our hearts and prayers continue to be with the Lewis family as they lay Trisha to rest.


We’ve noticed that some cars are entering the parking lot in the afternoon on the Kentucky St. side (across from Belllingham H.S.). Please remember in the afternoon and in the morning, that all traffic should enter the parking lot from Virginia Street in order to help with the flow and avoid congestion. Thank you! 



Playground Angels 

We have an ongoing need to keep these safety positions filled. Thank you for your help in keeping recess fun and safe! 

NOVEMBER sign up 

DECEMBER sign up 



PTC News 

Spread the word for the PTC Christmas Bazaar (see flyer) on December 5th from 9 am until 3 pm in the gym! 

We are still looking for: 

Gently used books – We’re especially in need of adult fiction. Please check with family and friends if anyone wants to make room on their shelves before Christmas! There’s a box in the school foyer where we will gladly accept donations.   

Baked Goods – We need whole cakes, pies, breads or cookies by the dozen. All baked goods need to be packaged for individuals to take home. This sign-up is also located on the school website. along with other needs. 

Email Sarah at with any questions.  

Tired of cooking?  Let the PTC help!  We will be offering our next Take and Bake meal on December 9th.  Chicken Pot Pie, Salad and Dessert for your family!  Order forms went home last week and more can be found here!  Orders are due Monday, December 6th.  Check the school volunteer page for the SignUpGenius if you’d like to help prepare meals! 


Check your hard copy envelope this week for Grandparent cards! You can choose to hand deliver them or put them in the mail. If your child was absent and didn’t get a chance to make a card or you need extras, please let the office know!   


Shop Local this Christmas and help Assumption Catholic School. During Shop for Schools week December 5-11,  Launching Success Learning Store is offering a 10% reward to the school for all purchases in store or online.  See the flyer for more details!


If you missed our PTC General Meeting last month, please see the minutes for all the details.


Continue to check for volunteer opportunities like Scrip, Playground Angels, the Holiday Bazaar and Take and Bake on the school volunteer website: Current Volunteer Opportunities – Assumption Catholic School  



Upcoming calendar items:

November 24th– Early Release for Thanksgiving (11:45 am dismissal) with Free Dress, NO EDP today 

November 25th-26th– NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving holiday 

November 29th Boys’ Basketball begins, 6th-8th (registration forms due by Nov 24th) 

December 5thPTC Christmas Bazaar, 9 am – 3 pm in the gym 

December 8th– Feast of the Immaculate Conception, all school Mass @ 12:15 pm 

December 10th and 15th Christmas program recorded today from 12:30 to 3 pm in the church 

December 17th– Early Release for break (11:45 am dismissal), NO EDP today 

December 20th – December 31st Christmas Break 

January 3rd– Welcome back!