Wednesday Parent Newsletter 09.06.23

Posted in Wednesday Newsletter

In this week’s newsletter you can find out information about this Friday’s mass, registration for all the sacraments, MOD pizza fundraiser for the 8th grade class, summer reading form, FACTS familiy portal details, playground angels signups for September and October, CURRICULUM night next Wednesday is at 6pm–please see the schedule, many volunteer opportunities, Harvest Fest and Spaghetti Dinner tickets, Traffic loop guidelines, coffee and donut help on Sundays, PTC news and much more.

Thank you for reading!

Immediate volunteer opportunity

We have furniture arriving on Thursday, September 7th that had been on backorder. Five tables and three bookshelves need to be assembled. If you have time on Thursday or Friday afternoon/evening any time before 8 pm to help put these together, please email today. (Alternatively, if you want to take and assemble these at home this weekend, that could also be an option…)

Curriculum Night next Wednesday, September 13 @ 6pm

Please see the attached schedule (insert pdf) for Curriculum Night next Wednesday. This is for parents only and childcare is not provided. Please arrange for at least one parent to be in attendanceThe time has changed from the September calendar, please note that the presentation starts in the gym at 6:00pm. And then breakouts to classrooms will be at 6:30pm. 

Calling Playground Angels!

We have an ongoing need to keep these safety positions filled. You get to earn volunteer hours and it’s a great way to see your child during the day while getting to know their friends. Thank you for your help in keeping recess fun and safe!

September sign up link

October sign up link

Parent Permission and Device-Use Guidelines at Assumption Catholic School

Thank you to those who have already completed the technology forms for acceptable use and device guidelines. This is all done digitally. Please click on this link for all K-8 students, and check the boxes that apply. Some of the questions pertain only to 6-8th graders since they own their devices. This should be completed no later than Friday, September 8th.

(If the link doesn’t work, please type this into your browser: )

FACTS Family Portal 

If you are new to the school OR have a Sixth Grader this year, we want to help you access family information and middle school grades/assignments via the FACTS Student Information System! Please see the flyer in the physical envelope that came home with your child today for information on how you can create an account.

  • The directions for ALL PARENTS explain how you can create a profile to view and make changes to your personal information (those with middle school children can also access grades and assignments)
  • The directions for MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS explain logging in to their own accounts to track grades, assignments, etc. (this was also sent to each student via email).

Please call or email the office if you have any technical difficulties logging in!

Welcome, New Families!

We are blessed to have 41 new K-8 students this school year and are grateful to our ACS community for making these children and their families feel welcome! If you see a parent around campus that you don’t know, we hope everyone will introduce themselves. Opening our arms as a school community is a huge way we can live our scriptural theme for this year: “Let all that you do be done in love”  -1 Cor 16:14.

If you are a new family, we hope you enjoyed the welcome sign in your yard, courtesy of our PTC “elves”! We’d love to celebrate your children with a photo of them with their sign that we can share. Feel free to email your pictures: Thank you!

Summer Reading forms

We’re so proud of our great Assumption readers! If your child(ren) met the summer reading requirement for their grade level, please fill out and return the confirmation form on the back page of the “Summer Reading List K-8″, shown here. If you don’t have your copy handy, extra forms can be found here.

Students who return their completed forms will receive a celebratory treat at lunchtime on Friday, September 8th!

School Mass this Friday

This Friday, Sept. 8th our 8th grade class will be leading Mass. All K-8 students should wear dress uniforms! Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!  Representatives from the Fulcrum Foundation will be here during Mass and during the school day to film students and take photographs to highlight Assumption at the Celebration of Light in January.

MOD Fundraiser on Sept. 20th

Enjoy a night (or lunch) off cooking and help send Assumption’s 8th Graders to Washington DC at the same time! MOD pizza will donate 20% of sales on Wednesday, Sept. 20th for any orders that present this flyer or use coupon code MODGIVES20 to order online. Your 8th grade class appreciates your support!

Registration for Sacraments

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion Prep for Church of the Assumption Parishioners
Assumption Parish families with children in grades 2-6 at ACS who would like to prepare for these sacraments may register for the parent & child sac prep classes. Registration in the parish’s Whole Family Catechesis (K-5) and Youth Ministry programs is also welcome, though not required. Please contact Gina DePalma at with any questions. Sac Prep registration closes on Sept. 20 and the first class is on Oct. 1. Thank you!

Infant Baptism at Church of the Assumption
Assumption Parish families with children 6-years-old and younger at ACS are invited to contact the parish about the steps for infant baptism. Please contact Claudia Maeda at

Baptism of Children 7-Years-Old and Older (RCIA/C)

Assumption Parish families with children aged 7+ who have not been baptized or were baptized in another Christian tradition and are interested in learning about and receiving sacraments in the Catholic Church, are invited to begin the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults for Children (RCIA/C) process. Please contact Gina DePalma at with any questions. Sessions begin on Sept. 10 and the deadline to register is Oct. 1.

Confirmation prep

               On Sunday September 10th at 2:00pm-3:30pm at the Assumption School library there is an informational meeting for all who are in this year’s Confirmation prep class.  Students must attend with at least one parent.  If any 7th-12th graders are seeking Confirmation and have not yet had a meeting with Daniel Prenosil you may contact him at and set up a meeting or come to the meeting on 09/10/23 and schedule an individual meeting afterwards.

Coffee and Donuts at Assumption Parish

We are looking for more volunteers to help with hosting Assumption Parish Coffee Hour when Assumption School hosts and to help with filling in, if possible, throughout the year. Ideally, the hosting group would have 3 people (at least two adults) to help with hosting. This is a great way to grab more church volunteer hours! Interested parties will be required to attend an existing Coffee Hour for a few hours the morning of October 1st. If interested, please contact Holly Zech (Coffee Hour Coordinator) at

Parent-Student Handbook for 2023-2024

Please review this year’s copy of the Parent-Student Handbook (Link Here) on the school’s webpage and sign the form that was included in this last week’s Wednesday Envelope. Please return your completed form to the office via your family envelope by Friday, September 8th.

Drop-off/pick-up procedures- IMPORTANT!

  • For the safety of the children, please do not use a cell phone while driving through the traffic loop. We need parents to be extra diligent and drive slowly in the traffic loop since there are so many students and significant traffic.
  • Please also remember not to arrive before 11:45 am or 2 pm on Early Release Days, and not before 3 pm on regular days. We don’t want cars to back up on the street. If you’re here early, pull in and park until the gate opens.
  • Students will be dismissed at 3 pm, but we stagger the pick-up so that K-4 parents should pick up at 3:05 pm and 5-8 parents at 3:10 pm. Preschool parents can pick up at 3 pm. If you arrive before 3 pm, please pull in and park until the gate opens at 3:05 pm. If your child is not at his/her sign, please pull around the loop (you don’t need to go all the way out of the parking lot).
  • Remember that traffic is always one way in the morning and the afternoon. Enter by the Virginia St. side and exit on the Kentucky St. side (by Bellingham High School).
  • Students in grades four and above can have permission to walk or bike home. Children in grades three and below must walk with a parent or older sibling. Students who are biking or walking should exit through the Cornwall gate only. We need consent on this form (link to PDF) if you give your child permission to walk or bike home. Please complete this by Friday, September 1st.

Office communication

As you know, the office staff is made up of two Mrs. Kings to meet your needs in the office! To best serve our school families and ensure no communication slips through the cracks, please use the following guide for emailing:

  • Attendance, including absences, tardies, and planned appointments: please email This ensures all office staff get your message regardless of scheduling. Mrs. Michele King is the attendance personnel.   
  • All other communication/Wednesday Envelopes (questions, concerns, messages to children or teachers)- please do your best to email us according to areas of responsibility:
  • Tuition and school account issues and records: Mrs. Angie King,
  • Everything else: Mrs. Michele King,
  • Annual Fund/Admissions: Mrs. Dayna Dennis,

Alternatively, you could always call the school and anyone in the office will be happy to help you. Emailing the office at is also a way to communicate with all three people in the office (including Mr. Anderson). Thank you for helping us best serve you!

*Wednesday Envelopes are sent home with information from the office and various teachers depending on your child(ren)’s schedule.  Please note that it should be returned to the class or office by Friday.

Water bottles

Please remember to send your child(ren) to school with a water bottle. We have three filtered fountains (one on each floor) for chilled refills.

PTC News  

ROOM PARENTS: We still need room parents for the following classrooms:__2nd and 4th grade classes. Please email if interested in volunteering in your child’s classroom. 

Or use the link here and sign up with Sign up Genius.

PIZZA LUNCH: “Yay!” for not having to pack a lunch! PTC will be providing the first of the year Pizza Lunch on Monday, Sept 18th. REMINDER: PTC is providing pizza twice a month this year! Due to the exorbitant number of pizza orders, these orders must be decided upon and paid for in-full for the entire year by Sept 14th. Check your Wednesday envelope for the order form.  

YARD SIGNS: For our new families & kindergarten families, we hope you enjoyed your “Welcome to Assumption” yard sign! When you are finished with it, please return your sign to the school office. We reuse these signs each year! 

Volunteer Fair: A big thank you to our event coordinators and helpers who made our volunteer fair possible! Thank you especially to Tam Bratt who sold over $550 worth of script, and to Maureen Thomas, our Used Uniform Coordinator, for selling more of our used uniforms. Congratulations to our Raffle Winners!! Tsveti Sisko is the winner of a $50 gift card to Otherlands, Bridget Trosin is the winner of our lightweight navy-blue jacket, and Cliscia and Todd Luther are the winners of our navy-blue polo shirt. Thank you for attending our volunteer fair!


PTC is blessed to have Emily Hoza in charge of our yearbook! We are looking to expand the support of this task and would ask anyone with experience in graphic design to lend us your talents. Please include, “yearbook,” in the subject heading and email our Volunteer Coordinator, Tia Entrikin, at if interested.  

We hope you had a fantastic first day of school! If you took photos to document the occasion, please send them to to be included in this year’s memory book.  

Harvest Festival News

This wonderful kick-off to the school year will be filled with exciting events including a bouncy house, face painting, bingo, spaghetti dinner with beer and wine, a delicious bake sale, and a lively cornhole tournament for kids and adults. Our school has grown tremendously in the last couple of years. This is a perfect opportunity to catch up and say hello to old friends as well as make new ones. Remember, this event is a key fundraiser which helps support our growing school!  

The countdown is on to the Harvest Festival on September 16th! Look for the order form in today’s envelope and skip the ticket lines!  Tickets ordered this week will be returned to you in next week’s Wednesday envelope.  We will need lots of volunteers to make this event a success!!  Please see the Signup Genius and reserve your spot.  (These are fundraising hours!) We look forward to seeing you there!

Another Way to Earn Volunteer Hours

Can’t make it to the festival, but would like to get a head start on earning those hours? Donate wine!  Earn a volunteer hour for each bottle of wine donated for the event.  There are specific guidelines for wine donations. Please contact if you’d like to take advantage of this opportunity.

Other Volunteer Opportunities: 

  1. PTC is still looking for someone to Chair our Multicultural Dinner, our Talent/Variety Show, as well as our Movie Nights. Please reach out to our volunteer coordinator, Tia Entrikin, at if interested.

  2. The school needs a volunteer to close the gates at 8:10 am every morning and put the cones away. If you are free to do this every morning, please email the school office at Although it only takes about five minutes, you’ll receive one hour of volunteer service per week.

Cupcakes for the teachers

Thanks for all the wonderful gifts the teachers have received so far! If you are not aware of what this is…there are cupcakes filled out per teacher with a “wish” item for their class.  If you would like to help a teacher or two, please stop by and find a cupcake in the school lobby.  The easiest way to order is on Amazon and then have it delivered or bring it in to school. 

It’s a Sweet Treat from the parents to the teachers!!!

Upcoming calendar items:

Sept. 11-29th – MAP TESTING/Please have students prepared at least with plenty of sleep and a good breakfast!

Sept 13th– Curriculum Night, 6:00pm in the gym to start

Sept 16th– PTC Harvest Festival 2-9 pm; Spaghetti Dinner with seatings at 5:00 & 6:00pm

Sept. 18th– Pizza Lunch Day!! Hooray!!

Sept. 20th– MOD pizza fundraiser for the 8th grade class

Sept.25th – Principal’s Coffee 8:15 (come and get all your questions answered)

Sept 26thIndividual Picture Day, Preschool, K-8 and staff

Sept 27th– Individual Picture Day, Pre-K only and any other K-8 students