“I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
In this week’s newsletter you will read about Catholic Schools Week activities and information, sponsorships and procurements due, Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala, Auction video as well as Mr. Anderson’s weekly video, the volleyball season, First Responders assembly invite, January and February Playground Angels, PTC meeting information and Zoom link, Penny Wars, Archery Club Session 2 coming, Superbowl party fundraiser for the 8th grade class trip, The Variety show, St. Mother Teresa movie showing, the saint of the week, employment opportunity, Upcoming events calendar and much more!
Thank you for reading.
Growing Great Kids Auction Updates
Assumption Catholic School’s PTC invites you to attend the 23rd Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala Saturday, March 4th. Please check-out your Wednesday envelope for your personal invite to this exciting and fun community event.
Pickleball for ALL– ONLINE RAFFLE
Grab your tickets now for the chance to serve up hours of family fun with our exclusive Pickleball Raffle/Drawing package! One lucky winner will enjoy four Scout Player Pickleball Paddles crafted locally here in Ferndale, a kid’s Koosh Double Paddle Playset, one Onix Pickleball 2-in-1 regulation-size portable net and a six-pack of indoor/outdoor pickleball. Finally, you’ll enjoy 10 hours’ worth of court time at Volli. The total retail value of this package is $750 dollars. Raffle tickets are available now for purchase on the Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala website. You don’t have to be present at the Gala to win, so please share with family and friends.
The auction chairs are specifically looking for donations for excursions, family activities, and themed baskets for our silent auction as well as gift cards to hotels if you are looking for ideas to contribute!!
Ways you can fulfill your obligation are:
- *Scrip donation of $200. You will be given a 10% credit to your Scrip obligation. These donations can be used to build amazing auction packages while you earn money toward your obligation!
- *Cash donation of $200.
- *Donation of item or service worth $200.
- *Sponsorship of $500.
If you need more time or have questions about a specific item, please reach out to Lisa or Torry at growinggreatkidsauction@gmail.com
Volunteers Needed!
It takes many hands and talents to make all the planning come together for this incredibly important event! Below is a link to sign up for auction volunteer opportunities that all count toward fundraising volunteer hours. We hope you’ll join the team to help make it a wild success!
Growing Great Kids Auction & Gala 2022 Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. No need to sign up again if you already signed up for a spot on the 1st day of school. Thank you! www.signupgenius.com
Don’t forget, you may still donate funds for wine at the gala and earn fundraising hours. For every $20 donated above your auction commitment, you will earn one fundraising volunteer hour. (Please make sure you label or use the designated envelope for your wine donation)
Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala invites go out next week! We hope you all can attend this exciting community event!
For more information visit https://assumption.maestroweb.com or use the QR code here to take you to the site:
Catholic Schools Week is Approaching
Please see the attached calendar for the events and activities each day of the week starting on Saturday, January 28th. School flyer here
Each day of the week has a different focus and dress theme for students.
Also, remember to take those selfies this weekend attending Mass or singing in the choir. Send the pics to
Pennies to Support Agape Service Project
Welcoming First Responders at an assembly
For the Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week, our assembly will honor first responders, medical personnel, military, and immigration/customs officers. If you are part of this list or know someone who is, please email the person’s name to the office so that we can send an invitation for our assembly on Wednesday, February 1st starting at 2:00 pm.
More Playground Angels Needed!
Consider taking just one recess if you are able.
Thank you for your help in keeping recess fun and safe!
Student of the Week!
Co-Curricular Programs
Volleyball Season
Don’t forget to be at the first volleyball practice, Monday, January 30th, after school in the gym. Any questions please email Mrs. Whelan at awhelan@assumption.school
Winter Ride
This coming Tuesday will mark the last day of Winter Ride for our middle school students will get to experience skiing on Mt. Baker or ice skating at the Sportsplex. Here is the remaining Tuesday date: January 31st. Thank you very much to Miss McIntosh, Mr. Anderson and each middle school faculty member and the many parents who made Winter Ride possible. We are grateful for the help and support from each of you.
Please email Miss McIntosh with any questions at amcintosh@assumption.school
Archery Club Session 2
Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Eusebio want to welcome and remind all those who are registered for the next session. This group will start on February 9th at 7am Thursday morning. Archery Club meets each Thursday morning unless notified otherwise.
Thank you.
GENERAL PTC MEETING – Mark your calendar for the general meeting tonight (Wednesday, 1-25-22, at 7pm). It will be via ZOOM with the hopes for great attendance while you sip your wine from the comforts of your couch or while you prep dinner and assist with homework. Your attendance will gain your child(ren) free dress the next day! We will provide you with updates on business, upcoming PTC events and a quick reference for local summer programs.
Summer Packet of information: link here
Join Zoom for the PTC Meeting:
Missoula Children’s Theater
Missoula Children’s Theaterwill be back at Assumption this spring! Mark your calendars for the week of May 1st, 2023. We are looking for two host families for the guests to stay with during that week. If you are interested, please contact Tia Entrikin at duttontia@gmail.com.
Other News
8th grade DC Trip Fundraiser
Want to celebrate the Super Bowl game but don’t want to host or cook?
- Advance tickets $5 cover, kids 6 & under are free
- Tickets at the door $7.
Join us at the Assumption Gym Sunday 2-12-23. Doors open 2:30pm.
Advance ticket sales will begin Saturday 1-21 after weekend Masses at Assumption, Sacred Heart and St Joseph Ferndale!
Enjoy homemade chili with accompanying nachos, baked potatoes & hotdogs with additional various toppings! Alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages will be served.
Entertainment will be available for your children to help pass the time for them (however it is not a drop-off event). So, save yourself the stress and join us to watch the game and support the 8th grade class trip to Washington DC!
Variety Show is Next Week
If you have any questions, please call, or email the school office or Mrs. Whelan awhelan@assumption.school Thank you.
Mother Teresa Movie- “No Greater Love” Showing Free!
The local Knights of Columbus will be hosting this wonderful event, along with the Catholic Daughters of the Americas to bring this to our community.
Plan to come Saturday, February 18th in the school gym. Movie starts at 7pm and there will be concessions such as hotdogs, popcorn, drinks and desserts for sale.
Bilingual Receptionist
Employee – Part-time
Assumption Parish seeks a part-time, bilingual receptionist who has excellent communication skills, and the ability to read, write and speak in both English and Spanish. Some computer experience is required. Familiarity with Microsoft products such as Word and Excel are preferred. The job is 24 hours per week. Go to www.assumption.org to see the job description and application. Send your application or any questions to karenz@assumption.org.
Walking in Holiness With the Saints
We hope that you will enjoy learning about how saints are a great example of holiness, strength, and courage one day at a time. Below is a description of a saint but his/her name is withheld. See if you can guess who the saint is and get your name put in for a prize drawing. See Mrs. King in the office if you have a guess.
Last week: St. Maria Goretti
Congratulations…Emery Shoff in Mrs. Town’s room!
New Saint: He was a Jew growing up in Israel at the same time Jesus was alive. He was very smart and studied his scripture, but he persecuted the Christians after the Resurrection. He would go out to capture, torture, and imprison the followers of Christ.
Then one day on his way to Damascus, God, in a great light, knocked him off his horse and he became blind. He then heard the voice of God. God told him that what he was doing to the people, he was also doing to Him. This saint continued to Damascus with the help of his companions and there he was healed and became a great evangelizer and witness of Jesus Christ.
It was this saint’s great conversion to learning and knowing Christ that lead to him travel and spread the Gospel of Jesus. He is known as the Apostle to the Gentiles. This saint is the most prolific writer of the Bible in the New Testament. He is the author of 13 epistles or letters to communities and friends. Finally, he gave his life for Jesus while in prison, the Roman authorities sentenced him to be executed.
Who is this saint? ________________
Upcoming calendar items:
January 17 – February 3rd – MAP Testing
January 25th – PTC meeting on Zoom 7pm
January 27th – Last Day of the Semester / Early Release (A) Day
January 29th – School Choir at 10am Mass at Assumption Parish
January 30th– Volleyball practices begin
February 1st– Assembly 2pm to honor our first responders
February 3rd– Variety Show 7pm
February 8th– State of the School Address from 7 pm to 8 pm in the gym.
(At least one parent is required to attend this event in order to receive enrollment information for the 2023-2024 school year. Updates for the current year and financial picture for the school will be provided.)
February 9th– Archery Club Session 2 begins 7am
February 12th– Open House for all NEW families 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Current families are welcome with a friend and help show them around.