Wednesday Parent Newsletter 12.8.2021

Posted in Wednesday Newsletter

In this week’s news, you’ll find PTC news including gratitude for the success of the Christmas Bazaar, a way to support ACS through holiday shopping, a reminder fo picking up Take and Bake meals tomorrow, several opportunities to earn volunteer hours, Auction news and ways to help/earn hours, how to enjoy our Christmas Program, a call for someone to coordinate this year’s Variety Show, a church job posting, celebrating an ACS family new business, a way to share your thoughts and ideas via our parent survey, efforts to support a community school impacted by flooding, a deadline for tuition assistance for 2022-23, an opportunity to learn about US service academies and ROTC programs, progress made toward our Annual Fund goal and a way to have your contribution matched. Thanks for reading! 


PTC News 

The PTC would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to Sara Rush and Sarah Robinson and all of our volunteers for the work that they put into making our Christmas Bazaar last Sunday an enormous success!  We had an awesome turnout with over 40 vendors and lots of shoppers!  The Bazaar raised nearly $3400 Thanks to all who had a hand in making it a great event! 


Shop Local!  Shop for Schools at Launching Success Learning Store is happening this week!  December 5-11 if you make a purchase at Launching Success (133 Prince Ave, Bellingham, 98226). Ten percent of the proceeds is returned to Assumption PTC!   


Don’t forget to pick up your Take and Bake meal on Thursday, December 9th via curbside pickup! Meals can be picked up on the Kentucky Street side of the gym at 3 pm. Please pick up your child/children in the traffic loop then follow the signs to pick up on the south side of the gym. Remain in your car and a volunteer will bring your meal to you! 


Continue to check for volunteer opportunities like SCRIP, Playground Angels, and Take and Bake on the school volunteer website! Current Volunteer Opportunities – Assumption Catholic School 



Volunteer Opportunity

Calling all Assumption parents! The boys’ basketball season is here with our first home games coming fast on Monday, December 13th.  We’ve had enough boys sign up this year to field two teams which is very exciting. That said, we need help from our generous parents. There is a shortage of referees this year so if any of you have basketball experience with coaching, playing, or as a referee we are looking for help. We are also looking for volunteers to help run the electronic scoreboard and keep stats in the paper scoresheet. Thank you! 


Growing Great Kids Auction and Gala 

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, February 26th! This year’s auction and gala will be in the style of a masquerade ball. In that spirit, we hope you will join us in masquerade cocktail attire. Images have been included for inspiration!

Just a reminder that procurement of items and sponsorships for our auction continues.  All items and sponsorships are due by January 22.  Please visit the auction page on our school website for forms.   

It takes many hands and talents to make all the planning come together for this incredibly important event! Below is a link to sign up for auction volunteer opportunities that all count toward fundraising volunteer hours. We hope you’ll join the team to help make it a wild success!  



Third Sunday of Advent 

This Sunday, December 12th, marks the third Sunday of Advent and its pink candle represents “joy”. It is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is the Latin word meaning “rejoice.” Even as we observe our world today, we can find beautiful examples of God’s work among us. More than ever, we help to prepare the way for God’s kingdom by our words and our deeds. This message is indeed a cause for rejoicing! 



Christmas Program scheduled for December 16th 

We knew this year that we wouldn’t be able to fit all parents and guests in the church at once for the Christmas Program on the evening of Thursday, December 16th. The plan had been to do two performances- one in the afternoon and one in the evening so that they could be done in person. However, when working through the logistics, it became very complicated and created a lot of additional coordination. We decided, instead, that we can do a better performance and allow singing if it if we recorded the program instead. Therefore, the students will begin recording on Friday, December 10th at 12:30 pm and if another day is needed, they will record again on Wednesday, December 15th. Children will be invited to bring their “Christmas outfits” and change for the recording if they choose. The recording will be available by the week of December We want to give students a chance to show off their talents, but we don’t have a coordinator for this. If you think that your child may be performing and you want to get your volunteer hours, please email to sign up to coordinate this fun event. The Variety Show Coordinator includes sending out the registration forms and scheduling auditions in December; scheduling rehearsals in January; checking costumes and appropriateness of the music/lyrics; and organizing the event itself on February 4th (This date may change to the Friday before depending on the availability of the gym). There will be a dress rehearsal in the afternoon and an evening performance starting at 7 pm that evening. Thank you, in advance, for your help! (Note: The Variety Show Coordinator will need to show proof of vaccination.) 



Church of the Assumption job posting 

Bilingual Receptionist–24 hour/week: New position, responsible for answering telephones and doors, greeting visitors, maintaining the parish calendar and providing clerical assistance. Ability to read, write and speak in both English and Spanish is required. See for more information or contact



Parent Satisfaction Survey 2021 

It’s that time of year when we ask families to provide feedback to the school staff regarding their experience at Assumption. This is important feedback and we use it to modify or adjust our long-term planning and to make short-term changes as needed. We typically receive 60-65 responses from the school community which is about half of our families. Please help us reach a goal of a 70% return this year by filling out the survey no later than Friday, December 17th. Thank you for your help. The survey results will be collated and summarized for families in mid-January.  



News from the Development Office 

Annual Fund matching contribution opportunity – don’t miss this amazing chance to double your donation!  A gracious supporter of our school has offered to match all donations made by school families next week up to $5,000 (see flyer).  Please consider giving between 12/13 – 12/17 if you haven’t already.  All donation amounts are greatly appreciated. 

 Faculty & Staff Participation: 67% 



Tuition Assistance for 2022-2023 

The portal is now open in FACTS for those wanting to apply for tuition assistance in the 2022-2023 school year. Applications must be completed by January 7, 2022 to receive Fulcrum Foundation assistance, but Assumption will be accepting applications past that date. If you think you might qualify for Fulcrum assistance, please complete the application by January 7. To learn more, you can visit their FAQ page on the Fulcrum website HERE.  

20th to share with family and friends through our Vimeo channel. 



Volunteers needed for Variety Show on Friday, February 4th

We want to give students a chance to show off their talents, but we don’t have a coordinator for this. If you think that your child may be performing and you want to get your volunteer hours, please email to sign up to coordinate this fun event. The Variety Show Coordinator includes sending out the registration forms and scheduling auditions in December; scheduling rehearsals in January; checking costumes and appropriateness of the music/lyrics; and organizing the event itself on February 4th (This date may change to the Friday before depending on the availability of the gym). There will be a dress rehearsal in the afternoon and an evening performance starting at 7 pm that evening. Thank you, in advance, for your help! (Note: The Variety Show Coordinator will need to show proof of vaccination.) 



Whatcom County Flood Relief 

We’ve been trying to decide as a school how to support the flood relief efforts in Ferndale, Sumas, and Everson. The school is doing two things: 

  1. In lieu of a Giving Tree this year, we are adopting the second-grade classes at Sumas Elementary by providing holiday-themed books throughout the remainder of the school year. There are two bins on each floor of the school- red and green. If you want to donate any Christmas-themed books for December to replenish what Sumas Elementary lost in the floods, please bring those by Friday, December 17th. These should be between a 1st and 3rd grade reading level. The teachers and staff will deliver them to the second-grade teachers from Sumas. We are also working on a wish list from the affected teachers that our families could purchase and have shipped directly to Sumas Elementary. Please look for that information to come in next week’s news. 
  2. Mr. Anderson is coordinating an Assumption work party on Saturday, January 8th with Samaritan’s Purse (see information below). If you are interested in being part, please email Shannon Zebrowski at (ages 14 and up). 


Other things you can do as a family to help with flood relief: 


Sumas Resource Center (held at Sumas Advent Church) – A daily evening meal is served to 20-30 people in the Sumas community.  Volunteer slots available to help in the kitchen, sort donations, or tidying areas within the church. They have openings clear into January!/showSignUp/20f0b44aba62ba2f49-sumas 

Samaritan’s Purse – Samaritan’s Purse is working out of Lynden in the parking lot of Sonlight Community Church on the corner of Bender Fields. They are in need of volunteers for half or full day shifts cleaning out affected homes in Sumas and Everson. Orientation held daily at 7:30 am or 12:30 pm at their truck in Lynden and then volunteers are dispatched from there. They ask that you sign up 24 hours in advance by calling 360-305-2175. Volunteers who are minors must be 14 years of age and accompanied by a parent or guardian. For more details: 

Donate (items or funds) 

Whatcom Strong: Whatcom Strong is the coordination site for both giving/volunteering and those in need of items, financial support or clean out help related to the current flood disasters in our community. If you would like to donate items, here is a list of what things they have the greatest need for as well as instructions and dates/times for how to drop these items off. 

Whatcom Community Foundation: The Whatcom Community Foundation created the Resilience Fund to provide for non-profits helping in disaster relief. If you want to contribute to the fund, visit their website at .  



Care & Concern Ministry 

A meal train has been set up to support the Smith Family: Emma, Jason, Micah [8th], Arianna, Isabella [3rd], and Benjamin [PreK]) as Emma transitions into bedrest, awaiting the arrival of Baby Liam at the end of January. Your gift of a meal will be greatly appreciated! 



Rite of Christian Burial- Trisha Lewis 

Fr. Scott Connolly would like Assumption School families to know that he will be celebrating the Mass of Christian Burial for Trisha Lewis on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 10:30am. Trisha Lewis was an alumni parent who’s last of her four children graduated from Assumption in June 2020. Mrs. Lewis died from cancer in the spring of 2020, and the family is inviting all those who knew her to remember her at the Church of the Assumption on this day during Christmas break. 



Playground Angels 

Please help us get these last few days until Christmas Break filled! We also need to start prepping for our return starting January 4th.  

Even when it’s wet, duty can be a fun way to see your children during the school day and get to know their friends. Thank you in advance for your help! 

DECEMBER sign up 



Middle School Informational Meeting 

This is a free virtual event for parish and school families interested in learning more about the five United States Service Academies and/or ROTC programming. 

It will feature Catholic school alumni from each of the Academies and ROTC programs, sharing experiences and wisdom they have learned along the way. 

The plan is to have a short program (prayer & welcome by Fr. Justin Ryan, Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Seattle) as a whole group, and then participants are invited to join breakout rooms where they will interact with the young men and women who represent the different programs. They will introduce themselves, share their stories, and then open the floor for questions. 

The date is Tuesday, December 21st from 7-8 pm on ZOOM.  

Participants must register in advance for the event. Click HERE to register. 



7 Elements Wellness Spa 

We are excited to announce the opening of 7 Elements Wellness Spa in Birch Bay! We would love to see you at our Open House on December 17th-19th, 12-4pm. We have gift baskets of skincare products, soaps and candles as well as gift certificates for spa treatments, which make great Christmas gifts! 

-Spike and Natalie Milligan, 8th Grade Parents 



NO School Mass this Friday  

Since we had an all-school Mass today to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we will not have Mass on Friday. Thank you!  



Upcoming calendar items:

December 10th and 15th Christmas program recorded today from 12:30 to 3 pm in the church 

December 13th Pizza Lunch 

December 17th– Early Release for break (11:45 am dismissal), NO EDP today 

December 20th – December 31st Christmas Break 

January 3rd– Welcome back! 

January 7th– Tuition assistance applications due in FACTS for the 2022-2023 school year 

January 8th– Assumption work party in Sumas for flood relief (Ages 14+)