Assumption School Foundation

The Assumption School Foundation is… 

An endowment fund, investing in Catholic education for many years to come. The corpus of this is never spent, only the interest is given back to the school so that the principal grows, and each donation provides for the school in perpetuity.      

What do we want for the students? 

Reach their potential, achieve a strong faith in God, and go forth to make a lasting difference in the world. The school is..Catholic and non-Catholic, economically and ethnically diverse, affordable and accessible. 

School supports that “bridge the gap” between actual cost ($8300) and average tuition ($6300) 

  • Parent Teacher Club provides $160-$170,000 each year, mostly from the auction. 
  • Parishes provide $150,000 in subsidies each year ($110K from Assumption) 
  • Interest income ($25,353) from endowment as a distribution to the school each year based on a 4% average over the past three years.

Donations and Distributions 

School Foundation in 2017-2018 raised $164,007 (incl. $50,000 for the Deger Educational Fund); in 2018-2019 it raised $241,029 (Thank you James Bailey in honor of Frances M. Anderson!); in 2019-2020 it raised $131,000; and in 2020-2021, the fund raised $21,000 but grew as an investment to $765,000. Including the sale of a property held by the Foundation in 2021, the endowment now has $825,000 as its balance. 

4% distribution to the school in 2020-2021…$23,400 

If you would like to donate, please visit our Donate Now page.  If you have any questions about the Annual Appeal or want to learn more, please email the office at