
MS Math – April 15-19, 2024

Spring is full of nature’s fractals – see if you can find some! Fractals are math!

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

MS Math – April 8-12, 2024

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

Also see www. for a great video on these topics

MS Math – March 25-29, 2024

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

In 6th grade, we are beginning Chapter 8: Algebraic Equations. In the last chapter, we learned how to write and evaluate algebraic expressions. In this chapter, we will compare expressions to each other with an equal sign, and create an equation. 3x + 1 is an expression; 3x + 1 = 7 is an equation. By making a comparison to 7, we can now solve and find the value of x. One of the skills we will work on this week is translating words in to mathematical phrases. The video below reviews some basic key words to look out for and how to write them as numbers and operations.

MS Math – March 18-22, 2024

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

In 6th grade, we are finishing up our chapter on algebraic expressions with a test on Friday. Students should be able to evaluate algebraic expressions using the correct order of operations, combine like terms, use the distributive property to simplify expressions, and identify equivalent expressions. These concepts are important in building a solid foundation as we move into solving algebraic equations next week.

MS Math – Feb 26 – Mar 1, 2024

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

This week, the 6th graders will

Chapter 6 is all about algebraic expressions. This week we will learn how to evaluate exponents and how to correctly use order of operations. For these skills, it is important that the students use an organized, step by step process. If they can learn the process, they will be able to correctly evaluate almost any expression. The image below is a nice example of how to show your work step by step, following the Order of Operations process.

Triangle Inequality Theorem – GeoGebra

Sections of Cones – GeoGebra

IXL | Learn 8th grade math

Algebra – Mrs. VonFeldt

This week in Algebra are evaluating exponential expressions using all the properties of exponents. This skill is foundational to our upcoming lessons on exponential growth and decay, and our study of quadratic functions. The image below is a good summary.

MS Math March 4-8, 2024

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

In 6th grade, we have begun our unit on algebra. We will first look at algebraic expressions and how to represent different situations using variables. This week, we will practice evaluating expressions using the correct order of operations. Watch the video below for an overview of basic algebra:

MS Math – Feb 5 – 9, 2024

So true!

We are getting back in the flow of learning as we move into the second semester! We will have winter ride on Tuesday. Be sure to do your homework and have it ready for class on Wednesday.

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

This week, the 6th graders will finish up Chapter 5 on percentage with a test on Thursday. Students have done a great job learning how to find the percent of a number, find the whole value when given a percent and a part, or find the percent from a part and a whole. We are using the percentage formula you see below as one strategy for solving word problems. If your student needs more review, IXL is a great learning tool.

In Chapter 6, we will learn about units of measurement and convert between different units.

Algebra – Mrs. VonFeldt

This week in Algebra we are continuing to solve systems of linear equations. So far, students can use three strategies: Graphing, Substitution, and Elimination to solve systems of two equations. This week we will learn that you can solve any system by multiplying to get equivalent equations before using one of the methods above. We will end the week looking at systems of inequalities and discuss how they are similar and different from systems of equalities.

MS Math Update – Jan. 22-26, 2024

Friday, January 26th is the end of our first semester. Please make sure that students turn in all the permitted assignments.

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

This week, the 6th graders will be applying their study of percentage to find the percent of a number. We have learned how to convert percent to a decimal or fraction. Now, to find the percent of a number, you just multiply the percent (in fraction or decimal form) by the number. We encounter percent everywhere in our daily lives: taxes, tips, nutrition information, sports statistics, and so much more. Watch the following video for a review of the process:

7th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt & Mrs. Evans

This week, in 7th grade math, we will apply what we learned solving one-step equations to two-step equations. This will finish Module 6, so we will then review and have a test on Friday.

Solving two-step equations uses the same process as one-step equations. We UNDO what has been done to the variable, step by step, by using the inverse operation. For those wanting a little extra help, here is a video that explains it well:

Other skills that students will need to have fluency on for the test are: simplifying expressions with the distribution property, factoring and combining like terms. Please see previous posts to access help on these topics.

8th Grade Math – Mrs. Evans

This week in 8th grade math we will extend our understanding of angle relationship to triangles, first on their interior angles and then on their exterior angles. We will then review and have a test on Friday that covers all the angle relationships that we have covered: intersecting lines, parallel lines with transversals and triangles. Students should study the relationships carefully so that they can easily recognize how various angles are related to each other. A great place to practice and become more fluent with these relationships is in IXL.COM, where particularly helpful sections have been starred in your student’s account. It should look like this in sections P and Q:

Algebra – Mrs. VonFeldt

This week in Algebra we will finish our chapter on inequalities with a test on Friday. We have learned to solve and graph inequalities in one variable (graphed on a number line), and two variables (graphed on a coordinate plane). Inequalities are solved just as equations, with one exception: when you multiply or divide by a negative number, you must reverse the inequality. The following video is a good summary of graphing inequalities on the coordinate plane:

MS Math – Jan 8-12, 2024

Happy New Year!

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonVeldt

This post for 6th grade math will be updated later in the week.

7th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt & Mrs. Evans

This week, in 7th grade math, we are beginning to solve equations using an organized process in which we UNDO whatever has been done to the variable to get it all by itself. We will begin with one step equations and then move to two step equations. The way we UNDO something that has been done to a variable is to do the inverse operation to the one in the equation. If we do the same thing to both sides of the equation, the equation is still a true statement. This means that we MUST always do the same thing to both sides of the equation when we are solving for the variable. Here are simple examples of how to solve basic one-step equations:

8th Grade Math – Mrs. Evans

This week in 8th grade math we are learning about angle relationships. We will extend on our lessons from 7th grade to consider transversals as well as intersecting lines. Here are the basic relationships between angles that we learned in 7th grade that we will need to build on this year:

Algebra – Mrs. VonFeldt

This post for Algebra will be updated later in the week.

MS Math – Dec 11 – 15, 2023

6th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt

This week the 6th graders learned about unit rates. A unit rate is a special rate in which we compare to ONE of a thing. The denominator in a unit rate is ALWAYS one. We can turn any rate into a unit rate by dividing the numerator by the denominator. We use unit rates so we can compare rates, such as determining which car is moving faster or which bag of marshmallows cost more per gram. On Wednesday, the 6th grade will take a test on the first half of Chapter 4. It will include ratios, equivalent rates, and unit rates. Here is an example of how we can switch from a rate to a unit rate:

7th Grade Math – Mrs. VonFeldt & Mrs. Evans

The 7th graders are finishing Module 5 in which we have been learning how to use percentages in real world ways. We have learned how to describe changes as percent increases or decreases. We have learned how to calculate percents of quantities. We have learned to find discounts, tips, tax, simple interest and commission. All of these skills will be useful in our lives. We will be taking a test on this module on Wednesday and celebrating with fun math on Thursday. Students should get all their missing assignments by Wednesday.

For students who need a little extra help or practice on the skills we are working on, they should go into their IXL.COM accounts and work in the areas that have been starred.

8th Grade Math – Mrs. Evans

This week we are using rates, unit rates and proportions to solve real world problems. We will need fluency with proportions to move into some of the new studies, such as similar figures and scaling, that we begin after Christmas break. Here is a video to help students understand solving proportions using cross products:

Algebra – Mrs. VonFeldt

Last week, students finished Chapter 4 on writing linear equations. They now know how to write and evaluate slope-intercept equations, point-slope equations, and standard form equations. Each form is useful, depending on what initial information is given in the problem. Students should be able to take any linear function and put it in another form by rewriting.

This week we will go back to graphing equations with a fun project. Students will graph and color in a series of intersecting lines to create a “stained glass” poster. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

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