Dear Families, November 22, 2024
One of the many highlights of this week has been Grandparents Day! Due to being sick on Friday, so I missed the wonderful occasion but I heard about the fun all had, and I enjoy seeing the pictures of love poured out for both from the grandparents to their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s love returned! It is heartwarming!
Another highlight has been when your children put on a “Reader’s Theater” on My Father’s Dragon which is the book we wrapped up this week with a test.
I look forward to seeing you on Monday or Tuesday (or the following week for those of you out of town). Please, if you haven’t done this yet, please fill out this questionnaire to prepare for the conference next week.
There is a competition in our school!!! The class with the most responses for a parents survey for our accreditation wins a class movie and popcorn!!! We want to be that class! So, please take this survey. The link is here!
A weekend with Pebbles is here at this SignUpGenius.
Paula A. Martin-Zender
Religion – Fourth Grade Theologians are learning about the Three Theological Virtues and the Four Cardinal Virtues and how important it is to foster our virtues so that we build a good character for God and each other.
Language – Fourth grade readers finished reading our book: My Father’s Dragon. We found the vocabulary words, and we are learning how to write responses to the literature questions. In Spelling, students reviewed units 7-11 this week. In writing, students are writing a story as if they are a salmon at each stage of its life, from egg to spawning salmon. It will be fun to read!
Math – Mathematicians are learned about the concepts of two-digits times up to three-digits. Keep practicing facts!
Science – Scientists finished the salmon unit and are working on their stories.
Social Studies – Historians are learning about the indigenous peoples of Washington and how salmon was part of their lives.
Every Wednesday – 2:00 dismissal and casual dress uniform
Monday, November 25-26 – Conferences
Wednesday, November 27-29 – Thanksgiving Break
Art – “How Do You Feel When You Forgive?”, invited students to explore the emotions of forgiveness. Through brainstorming, they identified feelings like peace and renewal, considering colors and symbols to express these ideas. Their artwork beautifully captures the transformative power of forgiveness, sharing an inspiring message with the audience.
Spanish – We wrote sentences about Thanksgiving using the common Spanish verbs we’ve learned.
Music – This week in music we are learning about Maori culture and singing a Maori stick passing song to learn about the ¾ time signature.