Dear Families,
Thank you to the Belvo family for donating mini-pumpkins to us so that we could paint them with our Pre-Kindergarten buddies! Your children are amazing with their buddies! I love to see them turn into compassionate leaders to them!
Next Thursday, the students will need to bring in their books from their book reports. They should be finished by then too. In class, students will write their book report. So there is no preparation for them to do other than finishing their book.
I will be out on Friday of next week. My husband and I are going to Missoula to see our son. Friday Folders will come home on Monday. I may be sending out a newsletter on Thursday, if I get the time to do it.
To continue to take care of the earth, our class, along with the school, is collecting plastic until November 3rd. We will be collecting it at the school and you, as a household, can sign up for it too which will also bring in money for our school ($20 per family)! Here is the website to do that:, here is a list of plastics that we are collecting and plastics that we are not collecting: will need math volunteers starting October 10th. I will need parents to run a center in the hall for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here is a Sign Up for volunteers. Thank you for your support! Here is a link for the Weekends with Pebbles Sign up!
Religion – Fourth Grade Theologians are researching a saint and learning about our Creator’s Eternal Law. We learned about God giving us reason, natural law and moral law. We discussed various situations which we would have to use our reason to determine
Language – For reading, we are continuing to read My Father’s Dragon as a class, analyzing vocabulary, characters and plot. In writing, we focused on Grammar of writing four kinds of sentences as well as writing a solid paragraph to summarize what we read in from our reading book. Spelling this week was the long i sound with: igh, i-C-e, ie
Math – Mathematicians are multiplying one digit to up to four digits. If students do not know their multiplication facts by now, it will be much harder for them. So, please support your child by testing him/her on these facts daily!
Social Studies – We are learning about longitude and latitude on maps.
Thursday, October 26 – Book Report is due – It will be a written book report done in class. Students are to have their book finished by that day.
Friday, October 27 – Mass – Dress uniform
Thursday, November 9 – Veteran’s Day Prayer Service – We are in charge! 8:15
Spanish – Una nota de Señora Anna-IThis week, we worked on writing and drawing a story in Spanish. We are using the greetings vocabulary we have learned in our stories. We also watched videos of different people greeting each other for inspiration!
Physical Education – This week in PE we. . .reviewed the overhand throw, practiced throwing to a partner, and played a game called “BOOM CITY.”
Music – This week we actively listened in the exercise “Match the Melody,” wrote a spooky story utilizing sound effects, and improvised in the song “Cheki Morena.”