Sixth Grade Language Arts

Jensen’s Vocabulary
English—Houghton Mifflin

Instructor–Marc Costanza

Root words and their history
Daily Oral Language
Language Arts
Frequently misspelled words

Essays (argumentative, explanatory/informative, narrative); Stories;  Reports; Business Letter; Poetry

Daily Oral Language exercises will begin each class.  These will be collected at the end of every week for 10 points.

Tests are on the Greek exercises.  There will be a Greek test every week and a half or so; the day before the test there will be a Spelling Bee in test format where extra credit or a test pass may be gained.  Flash cards and writing the words 5x are extra credit and due the day after part A is due.

Due to each exercise being reviewed daily, work will not be accepted late (half credit can be achieved by filling in the correct answers as we review in class.)

English tests will be at the end of every unit and are open book.

Essays will be assigned after each grammar unit–expository, narrative, business letter, argumentative, comics.  There will also be a poetry unit and advertising/propaganda unit.

One Greek test per semester may be droppedOne English test may be dropped per semester as well.


Make up work and/or extra credit not accepted two weeks before the end of the semester.

From school year 2020-2021
Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest, now published outside the Bellingham public library

Working on advertisement samples–Bandwagon, Testimonial, Transfer, Emotional Words, and Repetition.