Class newsletter

11/05 Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

11/05 Social Studies/Art

Students made hieroglyphic cartouches and studied Frontalism in Mrs. Santos’s Art classes the past two weeks.

10/24 Second day of Service Project. Removing invasive species and spreading mulch.

10/17 First Day Service Project at Cornwall Park–removing invasive species

10/7 With 2nd grade buddies and co-sixth graders; making lollypop spiders and ghosts

10/7 More shadow boxes for fiction book reports

10/4 Shadow boxes/dioramas for fiction book reports

10/03 Egypt Test alternate, Shadoof

10/3 Egypt Novels, Literature Circles

10/02 Animal Blessing


Art with Mrs. Santos, Stele of the Vultures (integrated SS lesson)

9/9/24 Mesopotamia Maps for World History

8/29 First day of school, prayer service

6/11 Field Day

5/22 Chocolate Tasting (Meso America Unit)

5/14 Missoula Children’s Theater Workshop

5/08-5/10 Camp Hamilton

5/02 Fun Run

4/15 Poetry recitals with props

3/14/24 Death of Caesar practice

3/07/24 Good Friday Practice

2/27 Triremes (test alternate)

2/26 Triremes (test alternate)

2/13 Valentines with 2nd grade buddies

2/2 Candlemass. Feast of the presentation of our Lord.

2/1 Greek Architecture. Making columns.

2/1/24 CSW Student Kahoots


Terracotta Warriors, Art with Mrs. Santos tie in with World History China Unit


2nd Grade Buddies–gumdrop towers and snowflakes

11/28/23 Cornwall Park Service Project

11/14/23 Cornwall Park Service Project

11/7/23 With 2nd grade buddies

10/19/23 Learning about prayer.

10/11/23 First book report, Fiction. Some students chose to make shadow boxes.

10/04/23 St. Francis Prayer service (put on by 5th Grade, Mrs. Thomas) and animal blessing.

9/20 Working on a map of Mesopotamia.


Telling stories in the oral tradition. (For Literature)


First Mass.

8/31/23 Latitude and longitude Globe toss

8/30/23 First day of school

6/14 Last day of school, blowing up a watermelon


Girls vs. boys in jigsaw puzzle race. Out of two, it resulted in a tie!


Meleah reading her poem at the Bellingham Ferry Terminal. She was one of the winners in the Susan C. Boynton Poetry Contest.

5/18 Fun Run aftermath

5/10-5/12/23 Camp Hamilton

Hobbit House


Industrial Revolution Projects

Advertising unit–students are looking up examples of bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, emotional words, and repetition propaganda used in advertising.

4.2123. Poem Recitals, Neighborhood Odes by Gary Soto

Ode to Pinata

4.13.23 Poem Recitals, Neighborhood Odes by Gary Soto

Ode to Senor Leal’s Goat (honorary goat below, didn’t like the horns)

4.11.23 Poem Recitals, Neighborhood Odes by Gary Soto

Ode to My Perrito

3/31 Last Supper and Agony in the Garden

3/24 Astrolabe Test Pass

3/24 Dancing in the gym

3/16/23 Caesar’s Death Scene, Shakespeare

3/15/23 Last Supper and Agony in Garden Prayer Service Practice

2/21 6th Religion

Thank you notes.

2/21 6th Literature

Death of Caesar

2/8 Bruneleschi’s elevator (7th Grade Social Studies)

2/7 Topo Maps of Italy for our Social Studies Rome Unit

2/6/23 Shadow Boxes, Literature

1/11/23 For Social Studies–constructing columns.

12/22/22 Terracotta Warriors, China Unit

November, Cornwall Park Service Project


First Day of School 8/31/22

Camp Lutherwood

3/3`1 7th Grade Industrial Revolution Projects

Practicing for Good Friday 3/23

Death of Caesar 3/15

Gary Soto Poem Presentation, Ode to Pinata

Jesse Tree for Advent

Service Project, 11/30

Service Project, Cornwall Park 11/12/21

6th Grade Saints 11/01/21

Shadoof samples, Egypt Unit  10/27/21

Fiction Book Report samples 9/29/21
Shadow boxes

MAP testing  9/23/21

First day of school 2021

Field Day
June 2021

Nov. 18-Dec. 2
nov. 18 newsletter

Nov. 9
nov. 9 newslletter

OCt. 27

Oct. 12
oct. 12 newsletter

Oct. 5
oct. 5 newsletter

Sept. 29
Sept. 29 newsletter

Sept. 21
Sept. 21 newsletter

Sept. 14
sept. 14School Mass for 6th Grade through 8th Grade only at 8:15 am, Dress Uniform for these grades. Come straight to the church at 8:15 and we’ll show you were your class is sitting.

Summer Break
summer break 6th

Mar 16(1)

Mar. 9
Mar 9

Mar. 2
Mar 2

Feb. 24
Feb. 18(1)

Feb. 10

Feb. 3
Feb. 3

Jan. 27
jan 27

Jan. 21
jan 13

Jan. 6
jan 6

Dec. 16
dec. 16(1)

dec. 9(1)

Dec. 2
dec. 2

Nov. 18
nov. 18

Nov. 12
nov. 12

Oct. 29
oct. 28(1)

Oct. 21
oct. 21(1)

October 16
oct. 7(2)

Oct. 1
sept. 30(1)

Sept. 23
sept. 23(1)MiddleSchoolRetreatFlyer

Sept. 16

sept. 16(1)

Sept. 9

sept. 9

In The News

A 6th grade Newsletter                                                For the week of Sept. 3

Curriculum night, Sept. 11, 6:30-7:30; MAP testing the week of Sept. 24; Camp Hamilton April 15-17

Mr. Costanza
Language Arts: Greek 1, homework every night typically.  Flash cards/words x5 due Monday (extra credit).  Test Tuesday.(spelling and definition of Greek words) In English, reviewing subject/predicateLiterature:  Oral tradition with a constellation story. Library on Thursday with first book log due Sept. 13.  Current report will be on a book of fiction.Religion:  Coat of Arms.  We are in charge of the Sept. 20 Mass.Social Studies: Early people; reviewing latitude/longitude and hemispheres.  Most homework will be done through Office 365 forms.Profesora Cristina I. Pavon Camargo
Espanol–We checked the rules in the classroom.I explained the correct use of the materials and how they are going to be evaluated.They made a letter for “their future selves” (with the expectations and goals for the Spanish subject)
They also made a cover for the first period. Mrs. Ernest
Science—please see webpage
Mrs. Evans
Math–Please see webpage Campbell
Physical Education—please see webpage for a great first week of school!  Lots going on! 

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I grew up in the east bay of California, Antioch. Grade School--Holy Rosary High School--DeLaSalle College--Humboldt State "GO LUMBERJACKS!" Graduate School--Chapman

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