Seventh Grade Science

Course Description:

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!  We will be exploring life science and physical science for the 7th grade year. Students will learn to distinguish living organisms from nonliving objects and understand the building blocks of life. Students will use chemical properties to understand metabolism and photosynthesis. Students will also begin to understand ecosystem dynamics and biome resources. Throughout the year, students will hone their science communication and modeling skills to support their hypotheses.

Required Materials:

You will need to come to class everyday with the following materials:

  1. A pencil, pen and a red pen.
  2. A folder for handouts and returned homework.
  3. Your completed homework assignment.
  4. Science composition journal.
  5. A positive and supportive attitude!

Next Generation Science Standards:

This school offers a comprehensive, standards-based program of study.  Particular emphasis will be placed on the following overarching standards.  For a more detailed description of each content standard and the corresponding sub-standards please visit

Life Science Concepts Covered in this Course

  • Chemical Reactions & Matter
  • Chemical Reactions & Energy
  • Metabolic Reactions
  • Matter Cycling & Photosynthesis
  • Ecosystem Dynamics & Biodiversity
  • Earth’s Resources



Homework is assigned regularly. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the day after the assignment is given unless otherwise stated. Missed homework can be turned in; however, students will not receive a full grade.  Any work that is greater than two weeks late will not be accepted.

Classroom Guidelines:

  • Listen and follow directions
  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • Respect your teacher and your peers!

Homework/Classwork Guidelines:

  • Work is completed on time. No folds, wrinkles, doodles, frayed edges, etc., and should look professional.
  • Homework questions are written, diagrams are drawn, and all work is shown.
  • All work is in pencil.
  • Follow all directions. Failure to follow directions will result in loss of credit.
  • Ask questions!
  • Engage and work hard in class.
  • Utilize resources and time efficiently and properly.



Every day is important! Your success in this course is directly related to how often you are present. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work and notes that you missed. If you are at school during any portion of the school day, your homework for that day will be due and any scheduled quizzes or tests must be taken. It is your responsibility to come see me if you arrive late to school or leave early and miss my class period.

If you miss the class the day before a test and return the day of the test, you will be expected to take the test as scheduled. If you have missed two or more days before a test and return the day of the test, come see me and we can make arrangements for you to take the test at a later date.


Students earn their science grades by actively participating in class and completing class work, lab journals, homework, quizzes, projects, tests and semester exams. The grading system we will be following is based off of current research into student comprehension levels and how grades reflect their understanding. My hope is that these grades will be accurate predictors of a student’s true understanding of a given topic. Grades will be split into the following two categories: Major grades and Minor grades (rather than the typical tests, quizzes, homework, etc). Major grades are a direct assessment of an individual student’s comprehension. Minor grades assess the student’s ability to practice concepts individually or in small groups.

60% Major grades

Ex) 100 pt Major grade: Exam

25 pt Major grade: Quiz

40% Minor grades

Ex) 100 pt Minor grade: Project (individual or group)

50 pt Minor grade: Class participation

25 pt Minor grade: 20-30 min homework

5 pt Minor grade: Notebooks, small activities

Tests and Quizzes:

Students will be notified in advance of quizzes and tests. Students will have opportunities to raise their grades with corrections on all assignments.

Missed Work/Make-up Policy:

It is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up work when he/she has been absent from class. Students will receive the same amount of time absent to make-up work…for example; if they are absent 3 days, they will receive 3 days to turn in missed work. Students who are missing assignments will lose recess until all work is made up. Students who are going on planned trips should reach out to a classmate to stay up to date or meet with me after their trip to catch up. Work cannot typically be provided ahead of time.

Retake Policy: Any quiz or test can be retaken one time provided the following conditions are met:

  1. The retake must be scheduled immediately and completed within one week of the original test date.
  2. When about to take a retake, your test or quiz must include a parent signature.
  3. Any missing assignments specifically relevant to the tested material must be completed before the retake is done.

Academic Honesty:

 No points will be awarded on the entire assignment if any portion of it is plagiarized. Students involved will be spoken to about what constitutes plagiarism and parents will be contacted.