Seventh Grade Religion

Course Syllabus

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! The middle school religion curriculum is based off the Seattle Archdiocese standards as well as the Missionary Discipleship Institute service-oriented project. This curriculum is designed to meet two needs: to engage studentintellectual understanding of their faith and to help students relate to the gospel through their own lives. Mother Mary, pray for us, that we may each encounter Christ through our studies this year!

Seattle Archdiocese Standards:

Missionary Discipleship Institute (MDI) service-oriented units:

Second Step curriculum:

General Unit Topics:

      1. Reading the Bible in prayer
      2. Knowledge of Church teachings
      3. Morality and Reconciliation
      4. Understanding Advent
      5. The Mass, Eucharist and Sacraments
      6. MDI unit 1: Who is my neighbor?
      7. MDI unit 2: Taking Action
      8. MDI unit 3: Active faith and works in my life
      9. Throughout the year: Saints and sainthood
      10. Throughout the year: Second Step Social Emotional Learning

Grade Breakdown

Students earn their religion grades by actively participating in class and completing class work, journal reflections, homework, quizzes, projects, tests and semester exams. The grading system we will be following is based off of current research into student comprehension levels and how grades reflect their understanding. My hope is that these grades will be accurate predictors of a student’s true understanding of a given topic. Grades will be split into the following two categories: Major grades and Minor grades (rather than the typical tests, quizzes, homework, etc). Major grades are a direct assessment of an individual student’s comprehension. Minor grades assess the student’s ability to practice concepts individually or in small groups. 

      • 60% Major grades
        • Ex) 100 pt Major grade: Exam
        •        25 pt Major grade: Quiz
      • 40% Minor grades
        • Ex) 100 pt Minor grade: Project (individual or group), service hours
        •        25 pt Minor grade: 20-30 min homework
        •        5 pt Minor grade: Journaling, small activities

Retake Policy: Any quiz or test can be retaken one time provided the following conditions are met:

        1. The retake must be scheduled immediately and completed within one week of the original test date.
        2. When about to take a retake, your test or quiz must include a parent signature.
        3. Any missing assignments specifically relevant to the tested material must be completed before the retake is done.

Homework /Late Assignments

        • Homework that is not complete will receive a 0 and it will be noted as a missing assignment until completed
        • Late work is accepted at any time for two weeks after the homework is assigned.  Points will be deducted each day it is late.