Dear Families, December 3, 2023
We had a fabulous field trip on Thursday! It was COLD, but we learned so much and was able to put our faith into action by taking care of God’s Creation by reclaiming an area that had the invasive blackberry bushes. Students pulled out the “hearts” of them. The salmon we studied can survive better without this invasive plant in their riparian! Thank you to all the wonderful parents that volunteered to walk, lead and hang out with us in the cold! 🙂
Speaking of salmon, we are going to be dissecting some salmon and creating salmon prints and we need parent volunteers on Tuesday afternoon, December 5th at 1:00! We will also have a Traditional Salmon feast/Christmas celebration with students on the following Wednesday, December 13th at 11:30. Families are encouraged to bring their family’s traditional Salmon or Christmas dish! If you would like to help set up, please come at 11:00. Go here to sign up for parent volunteers and celebration time.
Parent sign ups: Here is a Sign Up for volunteering on Tuesday or Thursday mornings for math centers. Also, here is a link for the Weekends with Pebbles Sign up!
Paula A. Martin-Zender
Religion – Fourth Grade Theologians learned about the “Circle of Grace” which was the replacement for the “Touching Safely” curriculum we have taught in years past. We spent two days diving into Internet Safety. We had great discussions. Hopefully that continued at home with the homework of discussing plans if various situations occurred for them. We also spent a class period in adoration.
Language – Fourth grade readers began small groups on one of these books: Freckle Juice; Sarah, Plain and Tall; Whipping Boy; or War with Grandpa.
Math – Mathematicians began learning about division and remainders. We are working with the conceptual understanding of it and then will learn various ways of calculating the quotients. If students do not know their multiplication and division facts by now, it is much harder for them. So, please support your child by testing him/her on these facts daily!
Science – We are having fun learning about salmon and their habitats.
Social Studies – This week, students learned about the local economy and how supply and demand works.
Tuesday, December 5 – Fourth Grade Salmon Dissection and Salmon Prints at 1:30 pm – We need parent volunteers. Go here to sign up!
Friday, December 8 – Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Dress Uniform
Wednesday, December 13 – Fourth Salmon and Christmas Feast with Parents – 11:00 am set up and 11:30am is the feast with the students! Sign up here to come and bring a salmon and/or Christmas dish!
Spanish – Una nota de Señora Anna-This week in Spanish, we explored geography by focusing on Spanish Speaking countries. We learned a little about each county and then played a matching game to see how quickly we could identify the countries.
Music – This week in music class we reviewed syncopated rhythms and played 4 Corners to practice. We played along with different instruments to “Overture” from the Nutcracker. Finally, we practiced Ave Maria for the school Christmas Program.
Art – Students will demonstrate an understanding of values and colors by creating a snowman artwork, emphasizing the use of shading and color harmony.