Dear Families,
We had a wonderful celebration of St. Francis of Assisi with the animal blessing! We even had Pebbles blessed!
To continue to take care of the earth, our class, along with the school, is collecting plastic until November 3rd. We will be collecting it at the school and you, as a household, can sign up for it too which will also bring in money for our school ($20 per family)! Here is the website to do that:
Also, here is a list of plastics that we are collecting and plastics that we are not collecting:
I will need math volunteers starting October 10th. I will need parents to run a center in the hall for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here is a Sign Up for volunteers. Thank you for your support!
Here is a link for the Weekends with Pebbles Sign up!
Paula Martin-Zender
Religion – Fourth Grade Theologians made our class goal of collecting over 100 pet care items! They earned some free time yesterday! We finished chapter one of our religion books on Truth.
Language – For reading, we are continuing to read My Father’s Dragon as a class, analyzing vocabulary, characters and plot. In writing, we wrote about our mythical creatures and wrote a friendly letter, trying to convince you, their parents, to get a baby dragon! Spelling this week was the long a sound with: a, ai and ay.
Math – Mathematicians took a chapter 1 test and are reviewing all of our multiplication facts because we are about to begin long multiplication! Please work on this at home!
Science – Scientists finished on our collaborative mystical creature from the material we have in the school.
Social Studies – We are learning about longitude and latitude on maps
Friday, October 13 – no school – staff retreat day!
Spanish – Una nota de Señora Anna-In Spanish this week, we sang a greetings song called Hola Amigo and watched videos of people greeting each other in different settings. We also built our own bingo cards using greeting vocabulary!
Art – Observational Scarecrow Drawing Lesson – Students observed a real scarecrow and learned to draw it step-by-step, focusing on basic shapes and details.
Physical Education – The 3-5 grades learned about the 5 components of fitness and participated in the fall Fitness Gram test that included the pacer, curl-ups, push-ups and sit and reach.