Happy Catholic Schools Week!

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year! There is nothing better than celebrating our Catholic school, and all those who make it so special. There is one more chance to earn a free dress pass for Monday this weekend by attending Mass at Assumption in your school dress uniforms. Open House is also on Sunday, so if you have any interested friends or family, please bring them between 11:30-1:30.

Book Reports -Thank you parents for your help with book reports this month. They were so creative and every year they impress me more. It was so fun to see the siblings who helped this time around too! I think the third graders have many books they want to read now, all so convincing! Students should be searching for their February book and those selections are due by Wednesday, February 7th.

Family History Unit -We are working through our second four-paragraph essay with our parents and grandparents are next. Please look for the interview sheets in your child’s Friday Folder today. These are due by Friday, February 9th. Again, please have the students doing the interviewing and writing and if needed they can email, call, Zoom, Text, as I understand many live distances away.

IMMIGRATION NEWS: This Monday!! Students who attended Mass in uniform last weekend or this weekend at Assumption will come in free dress, all others will come in regular uniform. ALL students will pack their immigration clothes, hats, suitcases, and three items and bring those to school to change into after lunch. The event begins at 12:30.

We still need volunteers! Grandparents, aunts, cousins, we need you!



Literacy -This week readers wrapped up a tale called Uncle Parrot’s Wedding. The students looked at plot, summarizing, and got a chance to partner read. In writing, the students wrote a paragraph about three items they will bring with them to Ellis Island, and continued with their parent essays.

*All spelling (words only) will be in cursive now. We will begin upper case next week, and have worked hard on how to connect letters into words. Initially this takes longer, but it will get easier!

Math -Mathematicians are in the middle of the chapter on division. We specifically looked at arrays, building division sentences from those, and other strategies when solving division problems. We are finished with timed testing in class, however we will still practice in other forms and I encourage you to do so at home as well!

Religion -Students should have their Prayer to the Holy Spirit memorized now, ask them to recite it to you. In addition this week we talked about what makes our school “Catholic” with several fun activities around Catholic Schools Week. So much to celebrate!

Science -We looked at an article on traits in ReadWorks and will be looking at dominant and recessive traits through a monster exploration next week.

Social Studies -Immigration wrap up and preparation! From writing, to practicing their family stories, the students were very busy practicing and getting ready for Monday!

SpanishUna nota de Señora Anna- This week in Spanish, we decorated paper cupcakes with our birthday and age in Spanish. We also sang Feliz Cumpleaños!

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Phone: 360.733.6133 | Fax: 360.647.4372
Email: theoffice@school.assumption.org
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