Weekly News -October 7, 2022

First, thank you for taking the time to help prepare your children for our Mass today. They did such an amazing job, and I’m so proud of them.

There are a lot of important pieces of information in your Friday Folders today along with all the hard work your children have been doing in class. Please make sure you empty the folders, notice your child’s goals, and also sign the folder.

-New Seesaw Codes -I’m so sorry but they have changed this app and I’m realizing that the code I gave you does not offer all the capabilities that I like to use in Seesaw. For example, when your child is sick, it is nice for me to be able to post work in the Activities tab for them to complete at home. This new code will allow you all the other capabilities. Thank you for having patience with me.

-XtraMath -You will find all the information to log in at home. The progress the students are making in class is amazing, however some students are still having trouble with accuracy. It’s not all about speed. I do not award improvement stars unless they are getting yellow or green, meaning they are getting the math facts correct. This is an easy thing to practice at home and it only takes 4-5 minutes!

-Finally, you will find the opt-out form for the safe environment class I will be teaching. Please only sign this if you DO NOT want your child to participate.

**Next Wednesday -Please look for the field trip form for our October 27th trip to Lynden, and a signature page for the VFW essay that we will be dong IN CLASS.**

OCTOBER BOOK REPORT – We are all excited about this one :). Students will be studying the character in their book and creating a fun pumpkin. I’ll put some sample photos in Seesaw but please do not start the actual pumpkin yet (we want them all on display at the end of the month with no rotting)! Also, they will have a written portion on character traits and a story map, which will come home next week. Students were to tell me their book by today.

Math: This week we moved to applying all the mental math strategies we learned from addition to subtraction. We also reviewed addition and subtraction with regrouping, along with regrouping across zeros, which can be a challenge.

Social Studies: In social studies we wrapped up the general map skills with a fun Barefoot Island project. We began learning about the five oceans and will move into the continents next week.

Science: For our fossil unit we made mold fossils this week, which was fun. Students compared the bread and gummies to how fossils are formed in real life!

Religion: This week we practiced for our Mass in the church. We learned about Saint Francis and also celebrated the feast of our Guardian Angels. Students each created their own angel with the prayer. We also wrapped up our unit on the Mass by playing a class Jeopardy game. It’s funny how many don’t know the game jeopardy 😉

Art: The 3rd graders finished their grumpy monkey by adding watercolors to the background and started working on their spooky artwork.


  • Singing and reading do mi and sol pitches on a music staff  
  • Improvising on classroom percussion instruments in a rondo 
  • Beginning to work in groups with the song Shake the Papaya – groups will create motions to go with the song, and each student will compose a 16 beat rhythm pattern to play in the rondo with their group 


-No School, Friday, October 14th (Staff Retreat)

-Free Dress, Thursday, October 13th

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Phone: 360.733.6133 | Fax: 360.647.4372
Email: theoffice@school.assumption.org
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