“I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
In this week’s news you’ll find info about our Annual Fund beginning, the last meet for the Eagles Cross Country, the season plans for girls’ and boys’ basketball, a note about picture retake day, a reminder to apply for tuition assistance, beautiful Christmas decor for your home or office by our own eighth grade, yearbooks for sale at a great price, a great opportunity to hear from a college admissions expert, PTC news including the first general meeting in the gym, plans for the Christmas Bazaar, gathering used books, two more volunteer opportunities, Holy Hoops reminders and help wanted to make it run smoothly, upcoming calendar events, and this week’s featured saint. Thanks for reading!
ACS Annual Fund
It’s our mission to make an Assumption Catholic School education accessible to any family who wants it. Your gift to the GROWING WITH GRACE Annual Fund helps make that possible, as we rely on non-tuition revenue to keep costs to families affordable.
This year, our goal is $120,000, which we hope to reach by the end of February. Every gift, whatever the amount, makes a difference! We are all so blessed to be here and want to provide that same opportunity to others. Thank you for your selfless giving and continued support of Assumption.
Eagle XC
Come cheer us on at our FINAL meet of the season!
Cross Country Schedule:
Friday Oct. 21 Lynden Christian MS LCMS 4:15pm
**Boys race first, followed by the girls
Basketball Middle School Program
For Girls: Please return your co-curricular form and payment ASAP. This is to help get the sweatshirts ordered in time.
The season for the girls will be 10/24 – 12/9.
For Boys: Please return your co-curricular form and payment by October 31st. This will enable the team to order sweatshirts on time.
The season for the boys will be 11/28 – 1/27.
Picture Retakes – Tuesday, October 25th
If your child needs photo retakes or was absent for original photos, they will be done on Tuesday, October 25th. Students may come to school in free dress but must change into their uniform after their picture has been taken. In the case of retakes, original picture packets must also be returned to the Lifetouch photographer. Pictures will be taken first thing in the morning.
Please refer to your Wednesday envelope for the new code needed to order retakes.
Here is the code if needed: EVTPSK3R3
2022 Assumption School Conferences
Now is the time to schedule a meeting with each child’s teacher. Please click on the link below and find a time that works for you on November 3rd or November 4th. If you have any questions, please kindly email the teacher directly for information. Thank you.
Kindergarten = Mrs. Whelan
1st Grade = Mrs. McClurg
2nd Grade = Mrs. Town
3rd Grade = Mrs. Williams
4th Grade = Mrs. Thomas
4th Grade = Mrs. Martin-Zender
5th Grade = Miss Copeland
6th Grade = Mr. Costanza
7th Grade = Mrs. Ernest
8th Grade = Mrs. Eusebio
Algebra/6th Grade Math = Mrs. VonFeldt
6th, 7th & 8th Grade Math = Mrs. Evans
Physical Education = Miss McIntosh
Music = Mrs. Beshara
Art/Spanish = Mrs. Santos
Tuition Assistance Applications
Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are now open with the Fulcrum Foundation. They must be submitted by January 6, 2023.
Families can apply here: https://online.factsmgt.com/aid
8th Grade Class Poinsettia and Wreath Fundraiser
The holidays are just around the corner! Please help support the 8th grade class by purchasing lovely poinsettias from local nurseries for your holiday decor. All proceeds support our 8th grade spring retreat and graduation. Thank you in advance for supporting the class of 2023!
Please note the turnaround is quick and orders need to be in by October 28th. Order forms went home in today’s envelope, so be sure to get yours back in (and print more here for your loved ones)! The products from these suppliers have been consistently beautiful and long-lasting.
Yearbook orders for early bird pricing, due by October 31
Order your yearbook now and receive the early bird rate of $26 per yearbook. Prices go up to $30 starting on November 1st but can still be purchased until the end of April. Follow the link to get your yearbook for the 2022-2023 school year.
School code is: 189029
Peace Builder Award for Mr. Anderson
As we announced a couple of weeks ago, our principal, Mr. Dan Anderson, has been awarded the “Peace Builder Award [Education]” by the Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center in recognition of his efforts to keep our school community united during three very difficult pandemic school years. He will receive this award during a ceremony on October 21 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
You can read more about the award at https://www.whatcomdrc.org/peace-builder-awards. Although attendance is limited, families can livestream the award ceremony by going to that page on Oct. 21. We are all very proud of Mr. Anderson!
The College Admissions Expertise of Lisa Fisher
Lisa Fisher, author of the book Admissions by Design, is a multi-award-winning educator, former international teacher, college counselor, and educational consultant. We have a great opportunity to have her speak about her practical guide to college admissions on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022, at 6:00 pm in our gym. Parents and students are invited to attend this free event, which we are opening to the public.
For questions, contact Development Director Dayna Dennis: ddennis@assumption.school.
PTC News
October meeting
GENERAL MEETING: **Wednesday 10-26-22 at 7pm in the gym**
PTC looks forward to welcoming all teachers and parents back to an in-person general PTC meeting! I am hoping for great attendance so we can continue to build community by coming together for a common cause = OUR CHILDREN! We will talk about our finances and our fundraising opportunities including the auction. PTC will provide beverages including beer, wine & cider plus appetizers. We will sweeten the deal by providing childcare with the assistance of EDP staff. The cherry on top will be free dress for you child(ren) the next day, Thursday 10-27 when you attend! If you have not already done so, please fill out THE SURVEY so we can know if we need childcare for the PTC General meeting.so we can get a head count of attendees (for food & drink) and for childcare needs.
PIZZA LUNCH: Hold on to your seats…starting in January we will be offering pizza lunch twice monthly! Stay tuned for the dates and look for the flyers in the Wednesday envelope.
Holy Hoops – Faith, Love and Basketball
We are off to a great start! With some fun and friendly, but strong competition.
Today, Wednesday, the participants will have the opportunity to compete in a free throw contest before the first game at 3:15.
Don’t forget, THURSDAY at 3:30, the teachers will be taking on their former students in the annual teacher vs alumni. We invite the whole school to come to cheer on and support the teachers and alumni. Who will win this year?
The boys and girls will start their bracket play today with Saint Jerome vs Saint Sebastian at 3:30 and the girls will follow with Saint Joan of Arc vs Saint Ann at 4:00. Please look carefully at the schedule to know when your child is playing. We ask that your child be there 30 minutes prior to the game.
Wednesday, October 19th
3:15 Free Throw Competition
3:30 Boys Bracket Game 1 (Saint Jerome vs Saint Sebastian)
4:00 Girls Bracket Game 1 (St. Joan of Arc vs St. Ann)
4:30 Boys Bracket Game 2(Saint Domonic vs Saint Padre Pio)
5:00 Girls Bracket Game 2 (Saint Lucy vs Saint Jude)
5:30 Boys Bracket Game 3(Saint Lawrence vs Winner of Game 1)
6:00 Boys Bracket Game 4 (Saint Michael vs Winner of Game 2)
Parents: WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! We have created a volunteer website on Signup Genius. Please visit the site and sign-up for a variety of volunteer opportunities.
Assumption Family Ministry needs YOU on Saturday, October 29th (event begins at about 6:15; after the 5 pm Mass)! We are coordinating our annual parish Trunk or Treat and are looking for families willing to open their trunks and pass out candy (decorated tables are also an option)!
This is a SUPER fun event! Please sign up if you’re able: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090b4eada92eabfc1-assumptions2
If you aren’t able to provide a trunk but would like to donate treats, please drop candy off at the school office any weekday. Thank you in advance for helping us provide fall fun for the children!
Used Book Sale for Christmas Bazaar
Drop your gently used books off for the Christmas Bazaar Used Book Sale on December 4th.
Donation boxes will be at 3 convenient locations through November 21, 2022! Thank you!
- -Assumption School entryway
- -Assumption Church
- -Sacred Heart Parish Office
Secure a Spot in the PTC Christmas Bazaar!
The PTC Christmas Holiday Bazaar is back again this year. Holiday Goods & Crafts, Bake Sale and Used Books! Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 4th from 9am until 3pm in the school gym.
This is a chance to get special Christmas crafts and goods or to be a vendor. Registration is now open! Get your registration fee in before October 31, 2022. Students encouraged to participate!
Please see the hard copy of the registration form in today’s envelope if you would like to be one of our vendors or use the link. Students are encouraged to participate! Share this form with family and friends. Registration filled up within the first two weeks last year, so don’t wait to register!
Vendor Questions? Call Melissa Hanson or send to: bazaaracs@gmail.com or call her at 206-799-6314
New Volunteer Opportunities
- On Thursday, November 3rd and Friday, November 4th, we are looking for parents to help move furniture between the Stafford Room, Parish Office, and Teacher Workroom. Volunteers need to be able to lift couches and tables, and we’ll have hand trucks to help get them between buildings. If you are available for 2-3 hours on either of those days (remember these are parent/teacher conference days), please email theoffice@assumption.school and we’ll connect you with Kathy Ernst at the parish office.
- The school is requesting volunteer help with assembling a portable art display board. This can be done at home but will need to be transported to and from the school. Assembly should take about two hours, and the installation instructions will provide what tools are required. Please contact Carolina Santos at csantos@assumption.school if you are interested in these volunteer hours. The item and assembly instructions are here.
Playground Angels Wanted!
We have an ongoing need to keep these safety positions filled. You get to earn volunteer hours and it’s a great way to see your child during the day while getting to know their friends. Thank you for your help in keeping recess fun and safe!
Upcoming calendar items:
- October 18th – 21st – Holy Hoops Tournament
- October 24th – Principal’s Coffee 8am
- October 25th – Individual picture retakes
- October 26th – PTC meeting in the Gym 7pm
- October 31st – Orange & Black Day- Happy Halloween! And Pizza Lunch!
- November 3rd – Early Release for Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:45 am dismissal)
- November 4th – No School to accommodate Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 9th– Lisa Fisher will be here for a parent event starting at 6 pm in the gym. More information is coming regarding the event and highlights from her book, Admissions by Design: Stop the Madness and Find the Best College for You with a review here: https://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/admissions-by-design/
Walking in Holiness With the Saints
We hope that you will enjoy learning about how saints are a great example of holiness, strength, and courage one day at a time. Below is a description of a saint but their name is withheld. See if you can guess who the saint is and get your name put in for a prize drawing. See Mrs. King in the office if you have a guess.
Here are the student winners for the last 3 Wednesdays.
September 28th: Ben White and the saint was St. Agnes.
October 5th: Benny and Henry Ramien and the saint was St. Stephen.
October 12th: Hank Hanson and the saint to be was Blessed Carlo Acutis.
New Saint: He was born into a wealthy family and his father was a dealer in cloth. Money was a priority in his life, yet God had something else in mind and it was up to him to listen and see what God wanted from him. One night he had a powerful dream that eventually led to him hearing the voice of Jesus. Jesus told him to abandon his luxurious lifestyle and discover God’s will!
He decided to sell some of his father’s cloth and took the money to become a priest. He wanted to also restore a small chapel nearby. Well, his father took him to court and accused him of stealing. His father wanted all the money back, so this saint just took off his clothing down to his hairshirt and left them there. After this, he lived the life of a beggar. He even begged for materials to rebuild the chapel of San Damiano. He also started a large order of priests from his many followers. A group of women called the Poor Clares was founded by this man. His message was one of joy. His life of poverty, love and humility were based on his love for God.
Two years before he died at the age of 45, he received the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ. The poverty and life of this saint was embraced by him because he wanted to be like Jesus. Let us live a life of gratitude and joy.
Who is this young saint? ________________