“I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Eagle XC
Another Great meet out at Nooksack for our Eagles XC team! The boys’ team soared across the finish line taking overall first place again. 1st Taylor (8th), 2nd Baynes (8th), 11th George (7th), 13th Liam (7th) and 15th place Jack (7th) rounded out our top 5 to take the win. We had almost every runner with PR’s (personal record) for this course. Ethan (6th), Micah (8th), Robbie (6th) Dominic (6th) and Luz (6th) all had >30 sec PR’s and Nicolas (8th) had a 1 min 5 sec PR! So proud of all our Eagle Runners! Next meet is Thursday at Pipeline Fields in Blaine.
We are excited to announce that we have six runners attending the Nike Hole in the Wall Invitational Middle School Meet at Lakewood High School on Friday, October 7th. Please say a prayer for all our athletes this week as they race against some amazing competition in Whatcom County on Thursday and against schools from all over the state of Washington on Friday. Go Eagles!
Check out our meet schedule and come out to cheer us on sometime!
Cross Country Schedule:
Thurs. Oct. 6 Blaine MS Pipeline Fields 4:15pm
Wed. Oct. 12 Horizon/Vista MS Hovander Park 4:15pm
Tues. Oct. 18 Lynden Christian MS LCMS 4:15pm
**Boys race first, followed by the girls
Tuition Assistance program for the 2023-2024 school year is now open with the Fulcrum Foundation. Applications due January 6, 2023. Families can apply here: https://online.factsmgt.com/aid
Pizza Lunch
The PTC will be offering the student-favorite, monthly Pizza Lunches again starting next Monday, October 10th!
Thank you!
Yearbook orders for early bird pricing, due by October 31
Order your yearbook now and receive the early bird rate of $26 per yearbook. Prices go up to $30 starting on November 1st, but can still be purchased until the end of April. Follow the link to get your yearbook for the 2022-2023 school year.
School code is: 189029
PTC News
Secure a Spot in the PTC Christmas Bazaar!
The PTC Christmas Holiday Bazaar is back again this year. Holiday Goods & Crafts, Bake Sale and Used Books! Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 4th from 9am until 3pm in the school gym.
This is a chance to get special Christmas crafts and goods or to be a vendor. Registration is now open with Early Bird prices until October 15th! Students encouraged to participate!
Please see the hard copy of the registration form that came home today if you would like to be one of our vendors. Students are encouraged to participate! Share this form with family and friends. Registration filled up within the first two weeks last year, so don’t wait to register!
Vendor Questions? Email: bazaaracs@gmail.com
PIZZA LUNCH: Yay for not having to pack a lunch! PTC will be providing the first of the year Pizza Lunch on Monday Oct 10. Check your Wednesday envelope today for the order form.
We are looking for ONE MORE VOLUNTEER to be the hero and bring pizza lunch to the classroom for a second time each month this school year. If you are interested & available once monthly for this volunteer opportunity, please email Tia Entrikin, our volunteer coordinator, at volunteer.assumption@gmail.com.
YARD SIGNS: To our new families & kindergarten families, we hope you enjoyed your “Welcome to Assumption” yard sign! If you are finished with it, please return your sign to the school office. We reuse these signs each year!
We need a Math Olympiad coach and Chess coach
The math championship that used to take place in Blaine has been discontinued, but we are hoping to find another math competition in the spring. We need a coach for 4th/5th graders and another for the 6th-8th graders. Practices would be after school, one day per week between mid-October and the end of March.
Chess Club is still being organized, but we hope to have a club after school on Wednesdays. We may have a coach, but we need a volunteer in place to chair the club and coordinate/supervise practices, etc. You do NOT have to know the game of chess to perform in this role! If you’d like to help with this, please email theoffice@assumption.school.
Technology Information Session for Grades 5-8
The middle school teachers and Mr. Anderson spent time on Tuesday afternoon reviewing the device guidelines and explaining the importance of digital literacy. Unfortunately, some of the technology was not cooperating for the polls and Padlet activities, and the time was limited. The slides from the presentation are available here, and they may be good conversation starters or helpful resources for parents. We try to do this twice per year- once in the fall and another in the spring.
Holy Hoops Update
Holy Hoops is only a few weeks away!
We had our all-participant lunch pizza party today to kick off the start of Holy Hoops. During our lunch meeting, participants were assigned to their teams and decided on team color and Saint and enjoyed pizza and treats!
Important Dates:
October 11th at 3:15 – 4:15 – Open Gym for Holy Hoops participants
October 17th at 11:30 – Team Pictures in the Gym
October 17th at 1:15 Assembly “March of Saints”
October 18th – 21st PLAY! Students will only be expected to be present for their games between 3:00-6:30 pm each day of the tournament.
October 21st – Championships with Community Celebration
Parent Volunteers – WE NEED YOU! Please visit the signup genius link (link below) to volunteer. We need parents to help run the score clock, keep score, referee and help with coaches’ meals. You will find more details for each position on the website.
Holy Hoops Volunteer Crew: 7th Annual Holy Hoops Volunteer Crew (signupgenius.com)
Sponsorship Opportunities! To keep this a free tournament for the students, we are looking for sponsors to cover the cost of T-shirts, food and support for the coaches and prizes for the winning teams and individual skills competitions. Please see the link below for more information. Please review and share with your place of employment, friends, family or you can sponsor as a family.
Playground Angels Wanted!
We have an ongoing need to keep these safety positions filled. You get to earn volunteer hours and it’s a great way to see your child during the day while getting to know their friends. Thank you for your help in keeping recess fun and safe!
School Mass this Friday
This Friday, October 7th, Mrs. Williams’ third graders will be leading Mass. All grades should wear dress uniforms and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend! Seating for visitors will be on both sides of the altar now with a few pews in the very back behind the students. All students will be seated in the main part of the church.
Volunteer opportunities (at home or after hours)
Installation of Wifi access points
The school needs someone with maintenance skills to take down its old Wifi access points and attach new ones to the ceiling. No tech experience is needed (just plug in the new device) but attaching to the ceiling with screws and brackets may take some basic construction skills. This could be done in the evenings or weekends. Email theoffice@assumption.school if you are interested.
Upcoming Calendar Items:
October 10th – Pizza Lunch
October 13th– Free Dress (Principal of the Day announcement)
October 14th – NO SCHOOL
October 18th – 21st – Holy Hoops Tournament
November 3rd – Early Release for Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:45 am dismissal)
November 4th – No School to accommodate Parent Teacher Conferences
November 9th– Lisa Fisher will be here for a parent event starting at 6 pm in the gym. More information is coming regarding the event and highlights from her book, Admissions by Design: Stop the Madness and Find the Best College for You with a review here: https://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/admissions-by-design/
Walking in Holiness With the Saints
This is a new section of the newsletter, and we hope that you will enjoy learning about how saints are a great example of holiness, strength, and courage one day at a time. This is a whole family activity and conversation starter. Below is a description of a saint but their name is withheld. See if you can guess who the saint is and get your name put in for a prize drawing.
See Mrs. Sidhu in the office if you have a guess. Mrs. King will award prizes when she returns on October 10th!
New Saint: I was the first disciple of Jesus to become a martyr. I was also a deacon in the early Church. Peter and the apostles decided that they needed more helpers to look after the care of widows and the poor. I was one of the seven men to be ordained for this work. Those who persecuted the church were very angry when they heard and saw how successful I was by helping others. They could not find an excuse to trick him, so they finally dragged him outside the city of Jerusalem and stoned him to death. He asked Jesus to forgive the people for what they did to him as he was dying. Let us ask for a loving heart like this saint.
Who is this saint? ________________