Wednesday Parent Newsletter 6.15.2022

Posted in Wednesday Newsletter

In this week’s news you’ll find staffing updates and plans for next school year, an invitation to tomorrow’s Moving Up Ceremony, a save the date for something special, middle school elective choices for 2022-23, various office reminders, gratitude for our volunteers and a request for more, a need for gently used uniforms for summer sales, a chance to register your child for summer activities, an immersive, life-changing Agape Service Project experience this summer as well as a current clothing and book drive to support their great cause, continued support for our growing families, gratitude for our kind and giving Playground Angels, an invitation to our traditional “Moving Up” ceremony on the last day of school, and upcoming calendar events. Thanks for reading!


Don’t forget our Early Release time of 11:45 tomorrow, Thursday, June 16th. See information below for when to join us for prayer and the Moving Up Ceremony in the church to be followed by the end of year slideshow in the gym!



Spanish Language for 2022-2023 

Since Mr. Mendoza is not returning to teach Spanish in the upcoming school year, we will be looking more closely at the Spanish language curriculum and deciding what this program looks like in future years. In this transition year, Mrs. Santos has graciously agreed to try a modified version of Spanish for grades K-5 and the current program will hold for grades 6-8. Students in grades K-5 will now receive two art classes per week instead of one art and two Spanish, but 10-15 minutes of the beginning of each art class will include Spanish language for vocabulary and conversational Spanish. The program will continue to build on vocabulary between years until they reach sixth grade in which Spanish I begins from the Realidades textbook. Spanish I is done over three years (6th,7th, and 8th) so that all graduates are ready for Spanish II in high school if they choose. This has historically been the preparation for middle school. 



On the last day of school this Thursday, June 16th, we will have our traditional “Moving Up” rite of passage. For our new families, this is when our students ceremoniously move from their current teacher/class to their rising grade level teacher for next school year. Parents are welcome to join us for this prayer service in the church and this wonderful tradition starting at 10:30 am. It will be incredible to share it in the church together again after a two-year absence! Parents are welcome to sit in the back pews of the nave or the north transept. Please save all other pews for students and staff. 

The end-of-year slideshow will play just after the prayer service in the gym. Parents are also welcome to join students and staff in the gym starting at approximately 11:15 am to view this final tribute to the school year. 



Save the Date! 

Fr. Moore will be installed as our pastor on July 5 at 6:00 pm in a Mass with Bishop Frank Schuster presiding. More information to come soon!



Middle School Electives, Music, and Art for 2022-2023 

Current sixth and seventh grade students will be encouraged to sign up for electives and music classes for next school year through this Microsoft Form link. For parents of these children, we want to make you aware of how this will be framed in the new school year. All electives will be held two times per week and will continue to be reserved for seventh and eighth graders. They will include things like: visual art, engineering/design, photography, choir, and orchestra. Fifth and sixth graders will have a visual art class every week. For their music class (twice per week), they will choose between Choir and Orchestra for the entirety of the school year. They will also have a visual arts class each week.  

The options will look like this:  

7th/8th grades: Choose between electives that will run twice per week for a semester only: visual arts, engineering/design, photography; or choose one that runs for the year: choir or orchestra.  

5th/6th grade: All will have visual arts once per week. Students will choose between Choir and Orchestra for their music class which will run twice per week for the entire school year. The sign-up link will be sent to parents during the summer.



Summer Packets 

Just a reminder that the paperwork sent home on June 3rd for the 2022-23 school year is due back in the office by Friday, June 17th.   

Please note that school supply lists for next year was sent home today, as well as instructions for tuition and other payments via the new SchoolAdmin financial system. If you have questions re: that information or a particular form, please contact Angie King: 



Medication at School  

If you authorized us to administer medication at school this year, please pick up your child’s medicine no later than Friday, June 24th between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Anything unclaimed after that will be disposed of as it will expire shortly.   



Gently Used Uniforms    

Please bring in your gently used uniforms in good condition that no longer fit! We are always in need of navy dress sweaters, ties, and quarter zip sweatshirts for our sales!  

We will keep you posted on planned dates for Used Uniform Sales this summer. Thank you for your donations- all profits come back to the school!  



Lost & Found

The sweaters and quarter zip sweatshirts are piling up! If you’re missing any, please come have a look in the hallway at the lost and found collection in the first floor hallway. Anything left on Thursday afternoon will be donated to the Used Uniform collection. Thank you! 



Playground Angel gratitude 

We are all beyond grateful to the parents and grandparents we consistently counted on to help out as Playground Angels this school year. We realize that work and life schedules don’t allow everyone this option and so appreciate those who sign up for multiple shifts per month or come to our rescue when slots are left vacant. We count on these roles to offer safe recesses, which are so important for growing bodies and minds. Thank you for being true angels



Summer Youth Camps and Programs 

Bellingham Parks and Recreation is teaming up with Bellingham School District coaches to offer a wide variety of fun, skill-based sports camps. Each camp registration includes a t-shirt unless otherwise noted. A full list and link to registration can be found on the City of Bellingham activities page:  



Agape Service Project: August 1-3, 2022 

3-Day Immersive service experience open to all rising 6th-12th graders. Spend a few consecutive days serving the migrant worker community of Whatcom County together. Cost is $75/person. Please review the Archdiocese COVID protocol for current required guidelines. Contact Sara Rush at for questions or if your child would like to register. Please see the attached flyer for full information on the Project and the tentative schedule.  



Agape Clothing & Book Drive: NOW! 

As our students are planning for fun summers full of activities, it’s also a great reminder that others in our community face an entirely different life when the weather warms up.  

ACS would like to support Agape Service Project in serving our local farmworker community in Whatcom County through their summer food bank. Agape Food Bank serves 150+ farmworker families weekly at their food bank in Lynden.  

Needed donations: 

Clothing – New/gently used everyday clothing for men, women, children, & babies (especially adult work gear: long sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, long pants, work hats) 

Books for all ages of kids (bilingual Spanish-English are great!) 

Please drop off your donations in the school entryway by June 10th 




Staffing Updates 

The Church of the Assumption is hiring for a part-time custodian (15 hours per week), and we may be able to combine this with a school maintenance position (10 hours per week). If you know anyone who might be interested in either position or combining them into one, please visit the church’s listing below for more information. Email Mr. Anderson with any questions. 



Meal Trains for new babies 

There are a few dates left to support the Segels with a meal as Kelly recovers and Noah learns to sleep! Please sign up for a slot if you’re able. Food can be dropped off at the school on weekdays by 2:50 pm to be sent home with their girls: 

Sam and Kevin Ernest are also adjusting to a new normal with baby Juniper on very little rest. They’d be most grateful for a homemade meal!  

NOTE: The Ernests mostly avoid cow dairy milk and cream but do eat cow cheese. 



Family Promise Bed Race on Sunday, June 26th from 2 pm to 4 pm 

The Interfaith Coalition and Family Promise have moved their Annual Bed Race (typically in September) to June this year. This is a great way to raise money for those experiencing homelessness in Whatcom County while having a bit of fun with your closest friends. We would love to have a team represented by Assumption Catholic School. There is a frame and bed available, so we just need a group to assemble it by the Memorial Day Parade on May 28th and then use it for the race on June 26th. For more information about the race or to register your team, visit

Family Promise of Whatcom County is starting its 5th year of serving the needs of this community to assist children and their families experiencing homelessness through meals, temporary housing and education with a goal to re-establish their independence. To date nearly 100 families have had a fresh start through Family Promise and the Interfaith Coalition. If you choose not to race, you can also sponsor the Family Promise Bed Race at



PTC News 

The PTC is so grateful to all the parents, teachers, and staff who helped make this unprecedented year a success in so many ways!   

We are always looking for new people to join our team and help make next year’s events equally successful. The PTC is a fun way to get involved, meet other parents, and contribute to the school in a meaningful way. Below are a few roles for next year that could use your help and/or leadership. If you have any questions or would simply like to discuss what any of these roles entail, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at   

Grandparents Day Coordinator– Organize volunteers to set up/run the reception for families on Grandparents’ Day, November 18th 

Missoula Children’s Theater– Be the liaison between MCT organization and Assumption leading up to the show. Coordinate advertising and volunteers prior to and during the week of the rehearsals and performance, usually in mid-May. Can be done mostly from home!  

Pizza Lunch– Pick up pizza from Little Caesar’s on Lakeway and distribute to classrooms once or twice per month. We have one volunteer and need a second!  

Variety Show Assistant– Help faculty members with auditions and rehearsals leading up to the Variety show during Catholic Schools Week (Jan 29 – Feb 4, 2023).  

Corporate Accounts Chair– Advertise and educate parents on the school’s passive fundraising options- Fred Meyer Rewards, Amazon Smile, Box Tops for Education (ongoing). Can be done from home!  



The office will observe the following summer schedule:  

June 17 – July 1:  9:00 am – 3:00 pm  

July 4 – 29: CLOSED (email for urgent needs)  

August 1 – 30:  8:00 am – 3:00 pm  

School returns on Wednesday, August 31st! 



Upcoming calendar items: 

June 16th– Last day of school! Prayer service in the church begins at 10:30 am (parents are welcome); Early Release dismissal at 11:45 am. No EDP today. 

June 17th Returning student summer packet forms due to the office. Used uniforms in good condition may also be dropped off during summer hours!